Pharmaceutical Companies Promote Sleeping Sickness
Lately, you have been hearing much about the importance of
sleep�like, �Any time you�re depriving yourself of sleep
you�re putting yourself in an unhealthy state,� and �Sufficient
sleep is as important as a healthy breakfast for best school
performance.� Why are millions of media dollars
being spent to teach you to sleep more? Is this really so
that you and your family can be healthier? Or more likely,
is there some money to be made? What industry could profit
by spreading the message that one-half of all Americans, and
two-thirds of the elderly, suffer from sleeping problems?
If you guessed the sleeping pill industry, you are right.
That is the only industry which could benefit financially.

Sleep Mongering Activities:
Direct to Consumer Advertising
TV, Radio, Print, Internet, etc.
Medical Journal Advertisements
Medical Research Studies
Buying Medical Experts
Direct to Physician Sales
Coupons and Free Samples
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine
The National Sleep Foundation
The National Health Council
Get Some web site
Insomnia Awareness Day |
colossal push for the benefits of sleep is another
well-orchestrated example of disease mongering
(peddling)��educating� the members of the public that they
are ill and in need of a �pill-fix.� Everywhere you
look�billboards, magazines, newspapers, Internet and TV�you
see advertisements for the two newest and most profitable
sleeping pills, Ambien and Lunesta, costing about $3.50 a
Selling of these drugs to the public goes well beyond
blatant advertisements into areas of deceptive marketing.
The pharmaceutical companies create and fund organizations
to provide legitimacy for their products and promote sales,
like the National Sleep Foundation.1 This front
for industry claims to be an independent
nonprofit organization and a source of valuable information
on sleep, sleep disorders, and the consequences of sleep
deprivation. On the surface it appears to be
consumer-oriented, but in reality the National Sleep
Foundation acts to convince the average consumer that he is
unhealthy and in need of medication.
the National Sleep Foundation web site they will tell you: �If
you haven't had a good night's sleep, you're likely to pay
for it. The price may be high: Reduced energy, greater
difficulty concentrating, diminished mood, and greater risk
for accidents, including fall-asleep crashes. Work
performance and relationships can suffer too. And pain may
be intensified by the physical and mental consequences of
lack of sleep.�2 This foundation has even
designated Wednesday, March 30 as �Insomnia
Awareness Day��do you get a paid holiday? They never mention
sleeping pills, but after only a few minutes on their site
you will be convinced you have a problem in need of a
Primary Sponsors of the National
Sleep Foundation (Sleeping pill product):3
Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc. (Rozerem)
Neurocrine Biosciences Inc. (Indiplon)
King Pharmaceuticals (Sonata)
Sanofi Aventis (Ambien)
Pfizer U.S. Pharmaceuticals (Unisom,
Sepracor Inc (Lunesta). |
Your Doctor Is in Bed with the Sleeping Pill Businesses
of the best ways to sell drugs is to establish strong ties
with those who directly prescribe to the customer�the
medical doctors. Pharmaceutical companies fund research
studies and opinion papers in scientific journals that
highlight the �epidemic� of sleep disorders and the benefits
of sleeping pills. Nothing influences a doctor more than
published scientific research. Nothing, that is except for
the provocatively dressed sales reps, providing everything
from donuts to scratch pads for the doctor�s office staff.
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine is the doctor�s
professional organization dedicated to sleep. This
credentialing body has identified 80 different sleep
disorders. It receives a variety of funds from
pharmaceutical companies selling sleeping pills.
Sleep Mongering Hurts the People
people hear that they are getting less sleep than experts
recommend, they naturally worry that they are mentally,
emotionally, and/or physically ill�this causes anxiety and
distress. The National Sleep Foundation recommends
between 9 and 11 hours for children, 9.5
hours for teens and 7-9 hours/night sleep for the average
adult. These recommendations are likely to cause you
to try to sleep more. So, what if you don�t
need that much sleep? The effects of sleep are
accumulative� after one or two nights of oversleeping you
become over-rested and have trouble falling and staying
asleep the third night�you now have a disease, called
insomnia. Those who continue to believe the
pharmaceutical industry�s advertisements soon discover the
only way they are able to achieve the 8 to 9 hours of
recommended sleep is to take medication. Before they can
say, �I need a good night�s sleep,� they are hooked on
sleeping pills�with all the side effects, including memory
loss and day-time drowsiness.
People who sleep between 6 and 7 hours live the longest and
more than 7 hours is associated with progressively
increasing risk of death, especially from heart disease.4,5
Men who sleep more than 8 hours a night have been found to
have twice the risk of overall death and about three times
the risk of dying of heart disease.6 To compound
matters, sleeping too much causes serious psychological
depression for many people�a condition requiring more help
from the pharmaceutical companies (antidepressants).7
Obviously, sleep mongering is good business.
Sleeping Naturally without Being Drugged
There is a simple, cost-free, safe solution which begins
with realizing you are not �sick,� but that you simply need
much less sleep than recommended by the drug companies. The
average healthy adult really needs between 5 � and 7 � hours
of sleep nightly.
solve your �insomnia,� the solution is as close as your
alarm clock, using the time-honored therapy of �sleep
restriction.�8,9 Sleep only enough to relieve
fatigue and no more. If you are presently troubled or
dependent on sleeping medications, then cut way back on the
amount of time you allow yourself to be in bed�maybe 5 hours
a night would be a good starting time. Beginning with this
amount and adding more (or rarely less) you will soon
discover the number of hours of sleep that relieve fatigue
but still leave you tired enough to easily fall asleep and
stay asleep the next night.
addition to reducing the time spent in bed, you need to have
consistency with your sleeping hours�the time you go to bed
and the time you arise. Restriction of stimulating
beverages, like coffee and tea, will be very important. Your
efforts will be well-worth your troubles because taking this
one-third of your life back from the drug industry will
brighten your whole day.
Malhotra MR,
Schernhammer ES,
Speizer FE,
Stampfer MJ,
Hu FB.
A prospective study of sleep duration and mortality risk in
women. Sleep. 2004 May 1;27(3):440-4.
Kripke DF,
Garfinkel L,
Wingard DL,
Klauber MR,
Marler MR. Mortality associated with sleep
duration and insomnia. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2002
Burazeri G,
JD. Over 8 hours of sleep--marker of increased
mortality in Mediterranean population: follow-up population
study. Coat Med J. 2003 Apr;44(2):193-8.
Giedke H, Klingberg S, Schwarzler F, Schweinsberg M. Direct
comparison of total sleep deprivation and late partial sleep
deprivation in the treatment of major depression. J
Affect Disord. 2003 Sep;76(1-3):85-93.
Spielman AJ, Saskin P, Thorpy MJ.. Treatment of chronic
insomnia by restriction of time in bed. Sleep. 1987
Morin CM, Kowatch RA, O'Shanick. Sleep restriction for the
inpatient treatment of insomnia. Sleep. 1990
Apr;13(2):183-6. |