Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby VegSeekingFit » Fri Sep 30, 2022 5:54 pm

Hey Beth!! :-D

Your Feeling Groovy pants sounds really awesome!!! Yes, agreeing w/ Marilyn --- post a pic of them!!! :) Ping me if you need reminder of instructions... :D

It is awesome to see you having fun with shopping!!! :-D (Personally, don't think this is vanity.... just having a great time with benefits you have achieved...)

Congrats on the new low weight and double congrats on feeling better about #9.

I hope that you have a wonderful week!!!


P.S. Are you going to feather your hair?? :lol:
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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby squealcat » Sat Oct 01, 2022 5:40 pm

Hey Beth ! I think I saw you got your shingles vaccine? I was miserable for about 3 days following that one. Well, not miserable but I didn't feel very well. I have never felt any reaction to any vaccine before until that one. It was worth it though as I have had friends and parents that got shingles.....I want to really avoid that one ! By now you should be feeling least I hope so ! Best wishes !

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby squealcat » Sun Oct 09, 2022 6:15 pm

Let me know what you think of "A Woman is No Man". I have finished it and really liked it. It is a sad book, kind of like Kite Runner or A Thousand Splendid Suns but still pretty good. I like learning about different cultures and beliefs and see in those books how younger women are fighting for change when abuse and inequality are involved. I remember when working on the obstetric floor there were quite a few women from northern Africa that delivered. I loved how the women gathered together in the patient's room to support the one who gave birth. The husband would visit and if he brought other men, they would be careful to stay on the other side of the curtain. The women wore veils and stayed covered up. One young woman wore the traditional covering and was there to visit. I noticed a difference though....she had a fancy , classy purse ! She talked about how it was expected that women in her culture would just keep having children one after the other....she said "Not me !" I remember a Korean grandma that brought special soup for her daughter to help bring her milk in. She told me what was in it (it was a vegetable soup with sea vegetables ). she let me try it and it tasted so good ! I felt very special that she would let me try it. Any ways, these are just memories and I guess it shows that I sometime miss my work on the OB floor.

My husband and I are going "up North" to northern Michigan for the color tour. We enjoy going up there every Fall. I probably will not be on the MWL page this month but I will still come and catch up once in a while. I will be gone again on a girl's craft weekend too. I look forward to hearing how you are doing !

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby Lizzy_F » Fri Oct 14, 2022 9:06 pm

Hello journal and hello fellow travelers!!

Stephanie - I'm going to get a mullet cut AND feather my hair!!! :D :D :D

Marilyn - I'm about 1/4 of the way through "A Woman is no Man" and it is really good. I used to work at a Domestic Violence Shelter and it's shocking to realize how many cultural pockets there are in our global society where violence against women is condoned and often encouraged. One of the most heart breaking cases I worked involved a woman who had been held prisoner in her own home by her husband for about two years. He had broken many bones in her body, and she had never been properly treated for these injuries, so had bones that had healed in strange ways - she will never be able to stand straight up and down or walk without significant limping. She managed to escape and was being moved regularly from shelter to shelter to stay one step ahead of her husband who was desparately searching for her. I don't know what became of her after she was moved out of our shelter. Her husband was a police officer. Who do you go to for help and protection when your abuser is part of law enforcement????? There is a dark underbelly in our world that is much closer to all of us then we ever think it is...... Your work in the obstetric unit sounds like it must have been really interesting. I too enjoy learning about different cultures, and I admire the young generations of women who fight for change.

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby Lizzy_F » Fri Oct 14, 2022 9:13 pm

Hello fellow travelers!

Dear journal,

I'm so excited to report another new scale low today! 150.6! BMI is now 22.2. 20 is starting to feel possible. My simple food feels more and more routine all the time.

My eyebrows have been tattood since 2015. It's way more common today in this neck of the woods than it was in 2015. Back then, I traveled pretty far to a cosmetic tattoo artist that I found on-line - she had a beautiful portfolio and great reviews! She did an amazing job on my brows. I had no idea how lucky I got, and how BAD some of the artists out there really are. When it came time to get them refreshed - around 2018 or 19, I found someone closer to home. WHAT A MISTAKE! She made a major mess of my brows that I have to 'correct" with pencil every single day. I finally got tired of that and called my original artist to talk about correction. I had my first appointment yesterday. She recommended doing some lightening before we re-do any tattooing. So this will be a 3 or 4 step process in totall, with appointments 4 - 6 weeks apart. So not an overnight project! And I will be spending more time than I care to with something SCARY LOOKING on my face LOL! Oh well. Being a female is not for sissies! :D (I say that knowing full well that these things are completely optional!)

At least my food is good and I am McDougalling along! Exercise is improving and I'm using a new accountability system. I'll take a picture of my motivational calendar one of these days and post it here.

Gotta run - time for bed. I need to hit the ground running early tomorrow for a busy day.

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby VegSeekingFit » Mon Oct 17, 2022 11:57 am

Hi BETH!!!! :cool: :) :-D

Huge congratulations on your new low weight!!!! Also, sounds like your food is going great and you are moving forward with the exercise!!! YAY!!!!

Also, wanted to say --- I saw your note on MWL thread about being part of the 12-day --- PHENOMENAL!!!! OMG, you are so warm, enthusiastic, motivating ---- what a cool experience for you AND what an AMAZING opportunity for all of the participants to hear from you!!! :) :-D :D I would wish you well, but 100% know that you will be excellent!!!

You made me laugh a ton with this eyebrow story... :lol: Hope it all goes well for you!!!!

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby squealcat » Mon Oct 17, 2022 2:59 pm

Beth, what an experience you had while working at a women's shelter ! It is unbelievable what many women put up with at home which should be their safe place !

Let me know what you think of that book once you get it finished. Tonight is our book club where we discuss that book. The next on is called Dear Edward. I just started it and so far it is a good one!

Congrats on reaching a new low weight !! I am so happy for you ! You have really found yourself in a good place with good thoughts and plans. Is that a motivational calendar you have made? I would like to know about it !

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Oct 19, 2022 12:01 pm

Oh yay! Bell bottoms! sounds like so much fun! I can't wait to see a pic of you wearing them :lol:

I'm not surprised to learn that a cop is on the "giving" end of domestic abuse. They get away with things because "brotherhood of the blue" or whatever. So glad there are shelters for women and children, to help them out.

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby Lizzy_F » Fri Oct 21, 2022 8:19 am

Stephanie! Marilyn! Buns! Thank you fellow travelers for visiting this woefully neglected journal! I have so much catching up to do with everyone here as well as my own journal. I keep waiting for life to slow down a little and it's not cooperating! :lol:

There is another case going on here locally involving a police officer (who is now removed from the force - probably on highly paid leave or something). He was dating a much younger woman (early twenties) who he met (stalked) when she was doing an internship at the PD. He started dating her and apparently they had a very volatile relationship. She ended up talking a job with the county wide 911 service, so they remained connected through employement. Their dating relationship was apparently on and off and on and off. During an "off" time, she ended up dead in her apartment of a gunshot wound to the head. He was THERE when this supposed "suicide" happened. Neighbors heard them yelling at each other - an altercation before the gunshot. The "investigation" (cover up) was a farse. His hands were never tested for gunshot residue. His clothing was, and there was gunshot residue on his clothing as well as her blood. Her hands were NOT tested for gunshot residue. It was very quickly declared a suicide. Her family has been fighting through the criminal, and now the civil court system just to try to get justice and find out what really happened. It's amazing the lengths these PDs will go through to protect their own, even in the face of a DEATH.

I say all this knowing that all police officers are not bad apples. I also respect the very dangerous work that the good police officers perform day in and day out. Sadly, there are enough bad apples in the bushel basket to cause problems with tragic consequences.

Marilyn - I'm enjoying the book, and have already joined the waiting list for the one you said your book club is reading next!

Stephanie - I need to revisit the picture posting instructions so I can show you guys my exercise accountability chart, which has been WORKING!!! Assuming I exercise today, which I will, that will be 9 days in a row! I DREAM about your beatiful food pictures! :nod: :-P :D

It was SUPER FUN to talk to the 12-Day class of students. It seems like a couple folks got something important out of it (one woman commented that she was already thinking about her next "cheat meal" for after the finish of the class - but now she is re-thinking that - YAY!). If even one person gets something out of it, then it's worth the nerves, etc. And of course I end up feeling re-energized about my own McDougalling, so it's WIN-WIN! :D :D :D

More later - gotta run!

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby VegSeekingFit » Tue Oct 25, 2022 6:58 pm

Lizzy_F wrote:
It was SUPER FUN to talk to the 12-Day class of students. It seems like a couple folks got something important out of it (one woman commented that she was already thinking about her next "cheat meal" for after the finish of the class - but now she is re-thinking that - YAY!). If even one person gets something out of it, then it's worth the nerves, etc. And of course I end up feeling re-energized about my own McDougalling, so it's WIN-WIN! :D :D :D

Hi Beth :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: ,

This is nothing besides AWESOME!!!

Love how you had positive impact on someone's journey and it helped you too... WIN-WIN!!! Cannot love enough!!!

Hope you are having a wonderful week!

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby Lizzy_F » Fri Oct 28, 2022 11:43 am

Hello Journal and hello fellow travelers!!

Stephanie, it was awesome to *see* you yesterday at the 12-day graduate chat! Jeff was awesome, wasn't he? I love listening to these principles to reinforce them in my pea brain! :D How are you doing these days? I need to get into your journal and catch up!!

Here is my exercise accountability calendar. So simple, and thank goodness it's working! For now anyway. Consistent intentional exercise has always been a struggle for me, so I imagine I may have to come up with new ways to trick myself as time goes on LOL! :lol:


And now...are you ready for it???... Here are the FEELIN' GROOVY PANTS!


I'm not gonna lie. I'm having fun dressing this much slimmer body. There. I said it! :D

We are at the river cabin this weekend - long weekend Thursday night through Monday afternoon. I need to buy another cooler. I'm finding that my low calorie density food takes up more space than the old SAD food used to! (I mean, that math just makes sense!) I ran out of cooler space yesterday and almost ran out of fridge space. My MO is still to batch cook everything ahead of time, and then just assemble meals and re-heat in the microwave. It's working, I love it, and I'm not very inclined to change. So I end up bringing a lot of cooked food out here. I also make sure I have PLENTY, so some usually ends up going back home. I probably need to branch out and figure out some more space efficient things I could just cook while I'm here. Potatoes don't really matter - what is the difference if they go back and forth cooked or uncooked? But I could make more use of longer shef-life starches like rice and pasta, which I could just cook here. I also have collected some dehydrated veg, potatoes and beans, which could come out here to later become soup, and that would be another low calorie density, heavier weight (when cooked) item that currently comes out here pre-cooked in a cooler. I like to not plan a lot of cooking or anything resembling "work" while I'm here at the river, so that is another life balance thing I'm still figuring out. I'm very grateful to be grappling with this very first world problem. If anyone has suggestions, I'm all eyes and ears!

Stephanie I am so glad you told me back when to use my crock pot on high, and cookk stuff overnight! I made some Mary's Smashed Beans on Wednesday night. I put in WAY more onion and garlic this time, as well as a LARGE jalapeno pepper! I haven't tried them yet, but will be for dinner tonight. I can't wait!

Well, that's it for now. Potato on!

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby VegSeekingFit » Wed Nov 02, 2022 4:38 pm

BETH!!! :D :-D :)

OMG, LOVE your pic in "feeling groovy" pants!!! You go girl!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Awesome that you are having fun shopping for clothes!!! You are looking FANTASTIC!!!! Totally something to be proud of!!!!

I hope that you had a wonderful time at your river cabin!!! Seems like you have lots of great ideas to make meals / prep even easier for when you go there. Love that!!! Things are fantastic here and I am really happy that you are doing well!!! Take care and have a great November!

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby Lizzy_F » Sat Nov 05, 2022 9:36 am

Re-post of my T&A accountability report for week ending 11/4:

Hello Team Time & Adherence! Here is my report for the week ending 11/4/22. We can just call it The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly! :D :eek: :crybaby:

1. Start each meal with a soup and/or salad and/or fruit. Yes, with all the caveats previously discussed. I feel good about where I am with this one. I have been doing well with batch cooking my soup. I do want to figure out a superfast single serving type solution “just in case.” Perhaps using my stash of dehydrated veg. It’s just a matter of taking a small amount of time to figure it out. :idea:

2. Follow the 50/50 plate method for your meals, filling half your plate (by visual volume) with non-starchy vegetables and 50% (by visual volume) with minimally processed starches. Choose fruit for dessert. Yes, with the previously mentioned parameters.

3. Greatly reduce or eliminate added sugars and added salts. This includes gourmet sugars and salts, too. If either is troublesome for you, you can eliminate them. Yes – reduced not eliminated. :)

4. Eliminate all animal foods (dairy, meat, eggs, fish, seafood). Yes :)

5. Eliminate all higher fat plant foods (i.e., nuts, seeds, avocados, tofu, soy). I had a slip last night involving almond butter. I’ve been giving thought today to what happened – this is NOT a direction that is safe for me to go. For me, a little always leads to a lot (as it did last night), and I don’t want this to become any sort of regular practice. I also recognize the need, because of this group and what I have learned here, for self-compassion. I forgive myself as I learn from this experience and move on. I had some stressful and triggering events happen this week, and I think I let the pressure get to me seeking “relief” through food (which is not real “relief” – only temporary blockage!) :crybaby:

6. Eliminate any added oil. Yes :)

7. Eliminate all higher calorie-dense foods including flour products (i.e., bread, bagels, muffins, crackers, dry cereals, cookies, cakes), puffed cereals, air-popped popcorn and dried fruit. No – two meals that included corn tortillas. Then BREAD last night during my over-eating episode. The corn tortillas were planned, but I wonder if that departure from this check-list contributed to a “setup” for the unplanned eating last night? I really am better off keeping things simple and sticking to whole, minimally processed, simply prepared basic starches, veg and fruits. I think oatmeal would have made a better “comfort food” if I really wanted to do that. I don’t usually eat breakfast, so don’t always have oatmeal at the ready in my fridge. Since I’m OK with how it turns out after being frozen, I think I need to keep batch cooked oatmeal ready to go. That would have been a much better choice that I would feel a lot better about in the bright light of today. :idea:

8. Don't drink your calories (especially from juices & sugar-sweetened beverages). Yes :)

9. Follow these principles, eating whenever you are hungry until you are comfortably full. Don't starve yourself and don't stuff yourself. I stuffed myself last night. The good news is that I can come here and be honest about it, knowing I am not alone with these struggles. I am learning self-forgiveness and I don’t have to let “last night” turn into a months long eating binge. :crybaby:

10. Avoid being sedentary and aim for at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise daily (i.e., brisk walking). I did miss one day of exercise this week, but I am definitely giving myself grace for that one day considering the kind of week this has been. (we closed on the sale of a rental property, which was cRaZy the day before and day of the closing, and my father-in-law passed away, and I had to be up close and personal with a car full of cupcakes!) I am very happy to report that my accountability chart for October had only 3 red dots. My accountability chart for November has all green dots so far! I walked 3 miles yesterday AND the day before. I walked 2 miles on Nov 1 and Nov 2. So I feel so good about the progress I am making! I read what Stephanie wrote last week about loving to walk outside – ME TOO!!! In fact I just ordered some lined exercise leggings from Old Navy to hopefully help me extend outdoor walking as the temps start to drop. I do have many indoor options (treadmill, elliptical, a zillion DVDs, hula hoop, etc.) for indoor activity as needed.

Victories: I DID NOT EAT THE CUPCAKES! :nod:

Comments: Some of the hallmarks and triggers of my past binge eating life were very present this week. Stressful stuff in general, combined with being alone in my car with dozens of cupcakes, then being alone at night in my home with my husband’s high fat stuff (he is out of state with his family re: his Dad’s passing). Definitely an atypical week. :mad:

Concerns: I realize how deep my fear runs that I will somehow not be able to sustain my new healthy lifestyle. I think my best tools right now are 1) Accountability (I really didn’t want to be honest about last night, but here I am!), 2) Planning and prepping, and 3) Keeping it simple. I will be doing a lot of batch cooking this weekend. :idea:

Questions: I am interested in hearing from others who have learned to get right back on track after eating off-plan. My past is littered with slides down that long slippery slope directly into the Pleasure Trap, and I want to change that pattern of behavior. I don't want perfectionism to derail me, and I also don't want Pleasure Trap foods to derail me, which they so easily can! I'm trying to learn how to balance all this, and I feel a bit befuddled right now. :?: :?: :?:

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby Lizzy_F » Sun Nov 06, 2022 10:05 am

Hello Journal!

Yesterday I was in a bit of a funk after my "episode" with foods that are just too calorie dense and easily over-eaten for me. Mark's words of encouragement and wisdom from his personal experience meant the WORLD to me in the MWL T&A thread.

I want excellent health and a slender body WAY MORE than I want the short term "high" that I feel from calorie dense and/or Pleasure Trap (non-compliant) foods. The McDougall Highway is nice and wide. The MWL center lane is narrower, but the best place for me to stay if I want to achieve my goals.

At least I did not eat the cupcakes! Pleasure Trap averted!

Food prep from yesterday/today:

* Oats/veg/fruit batch (I'm realizing I need to keep this on-hand as my go-to "comfort food" - a MUCH better choice for me than things like almond butter & bread)
* Split pea soup loaded with potatoes - still cooking. I think my crock pot must not get as hot as other crock pots. Even on high, those peas just take forever to get soft. So I'm still cooking the sh*t out of it!
* Huge pot of veg soup

I still have baked potatos in the fridge. Probably Tuesday as those get lower I will bake some Japanese sweet potatoes I have cued up. I also have a 5lb bag of little potatoes so will IP those as other stocks get low. I haven't made mashed taters in a while, so I grabbed a bag of Yukon Golds yesterday so those are also cued up. And of course I have a great stock of KETCHUP! :D I feel good about my preparation for a strong MWL week.

Exercise is continuing to go well! Yesterday our weather was so horrible - windy, blustery, rainy that I didn't feel like doing anything. But my "it's only 5 minutes - you can do anything for 5 minutes" approach worked it's magic once again! I did some balance exercises, which I really would benefit by doing more of. Without my system, I would have definitely blown off any sort of exercise yesterday. So far this month I have walked 2 miles on 2 days, and 3 miles on 3 days including this morning! And the balance exercises yesterday. So my "just five minutes" has definitely turned into something more on the majority of days once I lace up my sneakers!

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby Lizzy_F » Sun Nov 06, 2022 10:07 am


So I can find it easily again! Thank you Mark!


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