What am I doing wrong?

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What am I doing wrong?

Postby newbie2019 » Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:37 pm

Hi All,
I went WFPB SOS in January of 2019. Love it. Will never go back. My blood work is fantastic now.

I, however, am not having the dramatic weight loss like everyone else seems to have. My weight is the same. I am not obese but can def could benefit from losing 25 pounds. Its a little embarrassing to be a chubby WFPB SOS. My husband joined me and dropped 30 pounds in 2 months. So I start to question ... What am I doing wrong?

A typical day of eating is below:

B: 1 cup of oatmeal with a handful of berries and a TBSP of flax / splash of soy milk

L: baked potatoes (2) with a large salad (SOS dressing)

D: a ton of brocolli/green beans/asparagus with a cup of brown rice or bean pasta (one ingerdient)

Perhaps its just too many calories for me? I see all these people eating platefuls of food.

What am I doing wrong?
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Re: What am I doing wrong?

Postby Tian-De » Fri Apr 17, 2020 6:49 am

Hi newbie2019 ,

Wow! I totally know the feeling! About a month or so after going vegan I decided to weigh myself. I was about 180 pounds (which was probably down from where-ever I was when I started out) but I found that I plateaued there for several months starting out. It was very disheartening. I thought, "surely I must be loosing weight." I still had man-boobs and was pretty down on myself about this. What shocked me however was that despite little weight loss, my pants kept getting looser and looser. I wasn't doing much exercise at that point, but I feel like somehow my body comp. was changing. Eventually, I needed to go to a tailor I know and get another whole drilled in my belt.

Things really started to change when I started exercising regularly. I ran about about three times a week, and this is when the weight loss really started moving. It was really gradual (maybe less than a pound a month) and it took about 2 years to plateau at about 167 pounds. I lost the man-boobs after I started running as well as about three or four inches on my waist. In terms of balancing the calories in and out, I think LIGHT-exercise is very important. But I have also found that too much exercise leads to binging and eating vegan junk food. If exercise sounds intimidating (it was for me at first and did lead to some injuries) Dr. McDougall suggests walking for an hour a day. This is actually a really good way to get your heart-rate up into fat burning mode.

You could also hold off on the flax and soy milk until you are at your desired weight. I've been trying to follow the 10 points for maximum weight loss that Jeff Novick shared on this forum, one of which is to eliminate higher fat veg. foods. One of the biggest changes I've noticed from my normal eating, is that I've cut way down on the plant based milks and seeds. Doing this, I finally dropped down from my plateau weight. You might find it helpful to print out (or write out and decorate ;-) ) Jeff's ten guidelines and post them in your kitchen.

Also, it's okay to take things slow, HEALTHY weight loss should take years rather than days. If your vitals are better, that's a win. I think if you focus on following the 10 Guidelines the best you can, and not worry about calories or weight loss. Amazing things will happen unexpectedly.

Best wishes!

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Re: What am I doing wrong?

Postby newbie2019 » Fri Apr 17, 2020 8:19 am

I do run and weight train most days (fitness junkie) but I am going to dig out those guidelines. Thank you so much !
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Re: What am I doing wrong?

Postby LadyBug23 » Sat May 09, 2020 9:05 pm

I seriously just ended my day with the same question! I can’t stand the bloated feeling anymore and haven’t yet pinpointed what I am doing wrong. Very frustrating :(
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Re: What am I doing wrong?

Postby Drew_ab » Sat May 09, 2020 9:10 pm

newbie2019, I'm just curious what your current height and weight are? Is your BMI already in the normal range? Congrats on your success so far. You have already made massive leaps and bounds into taking control of your health and should be commended for that.
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Re: What am I doing wrong?

Postby newbie2019 » Sun May 10, 2020 12:07 pm

Hi ! Thank you for the comments. I am 5 feet and 152 (my weight is a bit deceiving because I am an athletic build). I am a curvy size XS to S or 2 to 4. I am an avid runner and weight lifter.

For me, I must have to eat less calories (even though we are not suppose to count calories). I try to follow MWL 95 % of the time. I do use some bean pasta (but limit to 3 to 4 oz). I would guess I eat around 1500-1600 ish calories a day. I do not eat avocado or PB or bread/crackers.

I do feel amazing and love the life style and will never go back. My husband has converted and he had the transformation that most have - lost 40 lbs in 8 months.

Would love to hear others stories if you have also had trouble losing the weight.
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