Fat burn

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Fat burn

Postby slojure » Tue Feb 12, 2019 9:18 am


i am vegan for about 10 years and i am skinny fat. My macros are :
Age: 29
Weight: 63 kg
Height: 181 cm

So my problem is that i cant burn fat. I am active during day (running, weights lifting, walking…) but i keep storing Food i eate as fat, but i dont eat dietary fat. Is it possible that i dont eate enough calories? I was eating one meal per day sometimes two (breakfast, dinner).
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Re: Fat burn

Postby Ejeff » Tue Feb 12, 2019 12:27 pm

I am no expert, but from everything I’ve read if you want to lose weight and you are not then you need to eat less. Or maybe not eat less but add more veggies and fruit to your diet. And you should be eating lower fat no nuts and seeds etc. If you eat less calories you will burn off fat.
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Re: Fat burn

Postby f00die » Wed Feb 20, 2019 8:23 am

at bmi 19.2
skinny fat = undermuscled
less cardio
more weights
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Re: Fat burn

Postby slojure » Sat Mar 30, 2019 11:38 pm

So what about all those hype around carbs and fats? I am really getting pissed right now because i dont know anny more to who to trust. 50% of people say that carbs are bad and are cause of diabetes. Than other 50% say that fat insnt your enemy and carbs are. So i am not a diabetic, dont have cancer but, i really dont even want to get anny of those deseases. What is true now?
I prefere carbs and love them. I only eate complex carbs (whole braley, oats, buckwheat, lentils…) and the only type of sugar its in natural shape of fruit. I do love walnuts to, but i am affraid to eat them because al that hype around fats. Are natural shape of fats dangerous and harmfull for us to?

Second thing is that, i am always bloated (i this is possible because of that, i dont eat enough calories?). I eate around 1500-1600 calories per day and i think thats not enough for my weight and height (weight: 63kg, height: 181cm 29 years old). But i am really strugling to get all those calories up i fat is really so bod for us (if you calculate only the fat from carbs you eate, that fat content isnt equal to 5 or 10% of adivised fat %).

Third thing is; again some people say that carbs are converted into fat, others dont. I the case if i wouldnt be much physically active (but i am) Will those carbs and excess carbs turn into body fat?
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Re: Fat burn

Postby JackyE » Sun Mar 31, 2019 9:57 am

Slojure, I know what you mean. Sources on the internet and in books tend to contradict each other. For a long time I read everything, and believed everything I read. Nowadays there are only two sources I really trust, that's Dr McDougall and Dr Greger (NutritionFacts). Because they listen to scientific research over a whole period of time, always open for new studies. They don't dó hypes.

About being bloated all the time, could there be some kinds of food you respond to? Since I gave up dairy and wheat, I feel less bloated. Sometimes, when I give in and have icecream of eat a lot of white bread, I have to pay the price with a 7 months pregnant belly.
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Re: Fat burn

Postby sirdle » Sun Mar 31, 2019 10:48 am

slojure wrote:50% of people say that carbs are bad and are cause of diabetes. Than other 50% say that fat insnt your enemy and carbs are....Third thing is; again some people say that carbs are converted into fat, others dont... will those carbs and excess carbs turn into body fat?

Hello slojure!

Welcome. :-P

Yes. It can be very frustrating. If you are interested in the science behind any of the claims made by John McDougall or Jeff Novick, you might take a gander at Jeff Novick's board. He has posted over 8,000 comments, many of them reference scientific studies, and all of them are thoughtful and insightful.

Any excess calories can be turned into fat... it doesn't matter if those calories come from fat, carbohydrate, or protein. A recent thread (The Real Cause of T2 Diabetes: Fat, Sugar or....) from Jeff seems to indicate that excess weight is the primary driver behind diabetes. This seems to imply that excess fat, protein, or carbohydrate can all lead to diabetes.

The trick is how to reduce your calorie intake without feeling hungry all the time? It turns out the answer is to eat a starch-based diet while paying attention to the calorie density of the foods you eat. 8)

Regarding your weight: are you gaining weight? Losing weight? Or holding steady?

Why do you think you have too much fat?
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Re: Fat burn

Postby slojure » Mon Apr 01, 2019 10:52 am

Thank you for your welcome :D
I dont have much fat, but i am bloated. I think the reason for this is, eating under BMR. Thank you for your advice JackyE, but i dont think its the type of food. Yes its really frustrating. What about the quantity of carbs per meal? I mean does it really matter how much carbs in meal i eat? Can i eat 200g of carbs in one sitting (i mean here the effect of insulin on carb quantity)?
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Re: Fat burn

Postby slojure » Thu Apr 04, 2019 10:19 am

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Re: Fat burn

Postby f00die » Thu Apr 04, 2019 12:20 pm

slojure wrote:...
What about the quantity of carbs per meal? I mean does it really matter how much carbs in meal i eat? Can i eat 200g of carbs in one sitting (i mean here the effect of insulin on carb quantity)?

the guideline addressing your question specifically
says to eat the allowed foods when hungry
until comfortably full
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Re: Fat burn

Postby slojure » Sat Aug 24, 2019 10:37 pm

In years of dieting and restricting my calories, i demaged my metabolism. I was always very physically active, but was afraid of calories so i was hardly eating 1200 or even 1000 kcal per day. My numbers are: Age 29, Weight: 59 kg, Height: 181 cm.
Now i realised, that i need to stop demaging my body and start to eat like man. I am wondering do i need to force myself eating even, if i am not hungry (because my betabolism is now still adopted to eat just one meal per day)?
My body keep storing my fat on everything i eat ( i know this is just temporay for metabolism to fix) but, if i will continue on this, Will i even repair my metabolism?
I heard somewhere that i need to force eating every 2-3 hours...are you nuts?! I Will gain 20 kg in one week!!
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Re: Fat burn

Postby sirdle » Sat Aug 24, 2019 10:54 pm

slojure wrote:In years of dieting and restricting my calories, i demaged my metabolism. I was always very physically active, but was afraid of calories so i was hardly eating 1200 or even 1000 kcal per day. My numbers are: Age 29, Weight: 59 kg, Height: 181 cm.
Now i realised, that i need to stop demaging my body and start to eat like man. I am wondering do i need to force myself eating even, if i am not hungry (because my betabolism is now still adopted to eat just one meal per day)?
My body keep storing my fat on everything i eat ( i know this is just temporay for metabolism to fix) but, if i will continue on this, Will i even repair my metabolism?
I heard somewhere that i need to force eating every 2-3 hours...are you nuts?! I Will gain 20 kg in one week!!

You have not damaged your metabolism and you do not need to force feed yourself.

Eat fruits, veggies, starchy veggies, whole grains and legumes. Whenever you are hungry, eat until comfortably full. Repeat.

f00die wrote:at bmi 19.2
skinny fat = undermuscled
less cardio
more weights

Sounds like good advice to me. ;-)

Your BMI is 19.2, which is at the lower end of the healthy range. Why do you think you are fat?
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Re: Fat burn

Postby slojure » Sat Aug 24, 2019 10:57 pm

I have belly fat...or i is just water of restricting calories ? But all says that you can lose fat on this diet even if you are not active. I cant be active through 365 per year. I know eat calor dense food and lose weight.
Oh, and what about fruit on High starch diet? is fruit raising triglycerides?
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Re: Fat burn

Postby sirdle » Sat Aug 24, 2019 11:17 pm

slojure wrote:But all says that you can lose fat on this diet even if you are not active.

Nobody says that.

Whether you lose weight or gain weight is a question of energy balance. If you eat more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. If you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight.

Whenever you lose weight, you will lose a combination of fat and muscle. There is no way around it.

It is entirely possible to be inactive, eat plant foods, and not lose any weight at all (and therefore, not lose any fat).

The amount of fat you store around your belly is partly determined by genetics.

Cheers, :-P
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Re: Fat burn

Postby slojure » Sat Aug 31, 2019 12:03 am

What about fruit? On high starch ? I mean donr know how to desribe this but, when i eat fruit (450g) with starch (oatmeal, or with millet) i feel like puffy (hands, legs) is that my body adopting to normal eating, calories and its retaining water of not used to carb content?
I am interested does fruit riae tryglicerides (fructose metabolism from liver) well isnt that starch lower those trygs?
Will fruit rise tryglicerides and insuli just becouse of some body fat and this condition will continue for some time until i will burn this fat off?
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Re: Fat burn

Postby slojure » Sun Sep 15, 2019 10:49 pm

Anyone on fructose?

I think that my body cant handle carbs much. Well i dont know but i am eating High carb now for 2 months and didnt lose anny fat (100% sure that i am in calorie deficit).
But last to days when i eat vegan High protein (just tofu and cacao - somekind of puding) melas i notice that i have MUCH more energy than eating High carb. Why? I feel slughis eating High carb diet :crybaby: I dont eat anny fat
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