Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

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Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby luvmyveggies » Thu Mar 13, 2014 1:28 pm

I am going to do a Mary's mini and would like to know if anyone would like to join me. I am planning on starting tomorrow and will continue for 10 days. I have done this in the past and it helps me get on track with this woe. I am choosing potatoes as my starch and will be recording everything I eat each day to keep me accountable. Please let me know if you would like to join and what starch you are choosing. I am excited to take on this challenge for the next 10 days!
If you need some more information here is the link:
Mary's Mini McDougall Diet
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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby luvmyveggies » Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:54 pm

Lindas wrote:I started today.
will do this till april 1st
Beg weight 182.2

I am so excited that you are going to do this with me! Wow, April 1st...that is inspiring! I will cheer you on! What starch did you choose?

I started today also! It's going good so far. I have a question though, would sweet potatoes count as a potato? Or do you think you would have to count that as a separate starch? I still have a couple of sweet potatoes and wanted to use them up, but don't want to exclusively have sweet potatoes as my main starch?
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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby chickpea » Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:30 pm

I'd like to join you on this challenge. My husband and I are just starting out so this will be a good way to get the eating plan down-pat. I was wondering about the potato/sweet potato thing too so I went through the links you posted, luvmyveggies and found this, "Which starches are your favorites? Potatoes, sweet potatoes, winter squash, corn, beans, rice? Choose one or several to form the centerpiece of your diet."

So... I will stick with potatoes and sweet potatoes. I really love beans but you can do so much with taters. The simpler I keep it, the better.

I'll start tomorrow and go at least ten days and maybe continue on to Apr 1... or longer! I really want to make this my permanent lifestyle. I'm way overweight and my health is beginning to suffer.

So, you post your daily menus here, right?

Thanks for doing this!
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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby luvmyveggies » Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:33 pm

Welcome aboard Chickpea! I am so glad you have joined us! Thank you for your reply about sweet potatoes and potatoes. I will do the same, I will mostly eat regular potatoes though. If we keep to this and post our meals daily, I believe we will have great success!

Day 1
Breakfast: 1 banana, 1/2 apple and 1/2 large potato
Lunch: 1/2 large potato
Dinner: Vegetable bean soup (this was not my potato starch, but I will plan better for tomorrow.)
Also, when I was making my kids lunch I stuck a couple of cashews in my mouth by habit.
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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby chickpea » Sat Mar 15, 2014 6:37 am

Thank you for the welcome luvmyveggies!

Ok, well... Day 1 and I'm excited to do this and so glad to have you two to do it with.

But... I'm also embarrassed and disappointed to post my starting weight. But hey, you gotta start somewhere, right? I weighed in at a whopping 298 lb. I've actually been 320+ in the past so I'm glad I'm not starting there. :eek: Dh and I also took our blood pressure and blood sugar to see how that changes. Mine is bp 119/67 & bs 113. I guess actually not bad considering how bad I've been eating and how heavy I am.

I was reading through the links again and saw Dr. & Mrs. did this years ago and lost 10 pounds in 10 days. I would be thrilled with that.

Both your menus look great. Don't worry about those cashews, no harm done.

Just had my breakfast of mashed potatoes & cabbage (mashed together). Love that stuff.
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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby chickpea » Sat Mar 15, 2014 6:39 am

luvmyveggies, are you starting your ticker with the challenge?
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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby Katydid » Sat Mar 15, 2014 9:49 am

I've actually been doing a rice-based elimination diet for the past couple of weeks (need to trial corn) and have lost five pounds without really trying. Put of laziness it's been a perfect Mary's Mini - same starch at every meal; same 3 meals every day. Since I still need to lose another 10 pounds to get back to the weight I was maintaining before I sprained my ankle in December I think I'll join the challenge and continue on for a few more weeks.

My repeating meals are:

1 cup cooked brown rice
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1 Tbs chia seeds
Green tea

Microwave together:
3 cups cleaned raw greens (kale or collards)
1/2 bag (1/2 pound) frozen 'California' mix
1 cup frozen 'French-style' green beans
6 brussel sprouts
1 Tbs Coconut Aminos
1 Tbs nutritional yeast
Sprinkle of dehydrated onions

This is followed a few hours later by:
1 cup cooked brown rice and one small diced Fugi apple
Microwave together until apple softens and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Dinner is:
Stir-fry of
1/4 head red cabbage
1/2 cup diced onion
1 Tbs each of chopped garlic and ginger
1 Tbs Coconut Aminos
1 small or 1/2 medium diced zucchini
1/2 bag (1/2 pound) 'Asian-style' frozen vegetables
Topped with
1 Tbs raw hemp seeds

This is followed a few hours later by:
1 cup cooked brown rice
1 cup frozen peaches
Dash cinnamon
Microwaved together until peaches soften.

Makes cooking and shopping pretty brainless.
I cook a big pot of brown rice twice a week in my rice cooker.
All the fruits and veggies are frozen except for the apple, zucchini and kale.
The chia and hemp seeds insure a good omega-3 balance.

I've repeated these 3 meals for two weeks now and have not grown tired of them yet.

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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby luvmyveggies » Sat Mar 15, 2014 11:25 pm

Kate, I am so honored that you are joining us! We have a great group and I'm looking forward to our success.

Chickpea, My ticker at 168 is my starting weight. I will weigh myself at the end of the challenge.

Day 2 Menu:
Breakfast: Banana and Potato
Snack: Baby Spinach, Romaine and Apple
Lunch: Potato with Spicy Black Beans
Dinner: Potato
Snack/Dessert: Mango
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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby kate11605 » Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:23 pm

I'm in too!!! Just got back from vacation on Friday and I need to do something to get me back on track. I haven't been McD-ing for quite some time and the result is....well, let just say "obvious". I feel like garbage too. ("You are what you eat" rings true). :cry: Like Katydid, I'm going to stick with the same starch each meal. Not sure, because I haven't read Mary's Mini- program in a while, but if I recall correctly, part of the success of the program was using the same starch at each meal. Dr. McD says, less variety is always best, that way you're not tempted to overeat. Sort of like, dulling your senses maybe? Anyway, I think I would overeat if I varied my starches at each meal, so I'm sticking with potatoes for this go-round. If I find myself considering falling of the wagon, I will add a different starch just to keep me going. Good luck to everyone. K

Also, does anyone know if this mini is safe to continue for the long-haul? Say, if I added some greens to my meals? Would I be getting enough nutrition?

Thanks, K
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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby luvmyveggies » Mon Mar 17, 2014 8:02 am

Kate11605, We are so happy that you have joined us.

Day 3

B: Soy Latte
L: Mashed potatoes, green salad with ginger dressing
D: Potato
S: Coffee with almond milk

I know this wasn't the greatest day for following the program; I had to drive couple of hours in the pouring down rain and needed lots of coffee.

Looking forward to this week, off to a circuit training class this morning.
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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby ajhondrngal » Mon Mar 17, 2014 9:27 pm

I need a kick start. I'll begin tomorrow, March 18. And my starch is rice.

Progress, not perfection.
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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby luvmyveggies » Mon Mar 17, 2014 11:33 pm

AJ, We're back at it! Yes we can do this!

Day 4
B: Banana. 1/2 apple, romaine and baby spinach, potato
L: Potato with Red Peppers
D: Potato with Green Beans
E: 45 min circuit training class
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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby Katydid » Tue Mar 18, 2014 4:23 am

I've been having terrible chocolate cravings the past few days. I was actually staring at a bar of 90% dark chocolate in the grocery store. I really, really like dark chocolate. :oops: Rather than cave, I've modified my breakfast by adding a tsp. of organic cocoa powder and an envelope of stevia to my rice and blueberries. Cocoa rice? Whatever. Chocolate craving taken care of for 5 calories and a trace of fat. :D

Otherwise, all is well. Down another pound as of Sunday weigh-in.

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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby Jsc655 » Tue Mar 18, 2014 5:28 am

I want to start this program also! I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I tried the McDougall program years ago and was successful. I'm ready to get back on track. I'm ready to feel better. Any tips or strategies would be appreciated. I've read soo much my head is spinning. I'm gonna start March 24 :shock:
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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

Postby HeidiH » Tue Mar 18, 2014 11:47 am

I want in! I'm going to start tomorrow, as today is a crazy day for me and I'll barely be home.

My chosen starch will be potatoes since it's high on the satiety index, though I may swap in a sweet potato here and there (or add a small one in for dessert!). 8)

I need this to start losing the 15lbs I've gained over the past 6 months by not eating the way I know I should!!

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