Lost weight first 20 days but now weight loss stopped

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Lost weight first 20 days but now weight loss stopped

Postby LyndaK » Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:43 am

I'm hoping you can provide some advice. I have been adhering to the McDougall maximum weight loss plan for six weeks. During the first four weeks, I lost 14 pounds. For the past two weeks my weight has stayed almost exactly the same with variance of a few ounces only. I have not added any exercise, only changed my food intake. I am a good 50 pounds overweight so it's not as if I am underweight and my body is trying to hold me at a steady weight.

At the McDougall Advanced Study weekend, I had my lipid panel done and my TSH was almost 6.0. Could my thyroid be impacting my ability to lose additional weight? I have not had a second test yet to verify so it's still questionable whether the first number is accurate but it's making me wonder. Should I start exercising more?

Appreciate any advice you can offer. My body seems to have a reached a plateau.
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Re: Lost weight first 20 days but now weight loss stopped

Postby kirstykay » Fri Feb 26, 2010 12:31 pm

Exercise can only help! There is really no down-side to it. It helps with so many things. It certainly is possible that your thyroid could be influencing your weight loss, but only a doctor can tell you for sure. For now, I would really examine what you're eating. Are you being totally 100% compliant with MWL. Reread the guidelines and be really honest with yourself...no oil, no nuts, no flour products, etc... Is there something you've let slip, even slightly? Are you eating every time you're hungry? I haven't been doing this very long, so I'm no expert, but those are the first things I've read others recommend. Sactobob says that there's no way we can NOT lose weight when we do this 100%! I'm hanging on to that. One other thing you could try is to do Mary's Mini for 10 days and see if that can jump start the weight loss again. I think that's helped some other people. Good luck!
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Re: Lost weight first 20 days but now weight loss stopped

Postby LyndaK » Sat Feb 27, 2010 9:10 am

Thanks for your feedback. I have been following the diet religiously so I'm going to switch things up a bit by adding exercise, reducing my bean intake and increasing vegetables and drinking more liquids.

On the plus side, my skin looks great and my "bra rolls" and "love handles" are shrinking so I know my body is changing is a positive way as a result of the dietary changes I've made. Will report back on results.
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Re: Lost weight first 20 days but now weight loss stopped

Postby kirstykay » Sat Feb 27, 2010 2:16 pm

Great idea! Please do keep us posted! I'm interested to see what works for you!
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Re: Lost weight first 20 days but now weight loss stopped

Postby greenqueen » Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:37 am

Where can I find the McDougal Maximum Weight Loss Plan?
I have been following the diet for almost 2 years. I lost 10 lbs in the first 4 months, and I have gained it all back.
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Re: Lost weight first 20 days but now weight loss stopped

Postby Faith in DC » Tue Mar 02, 2010 12:41 pm


here it is. I've found it on half.com and used book stores also.
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Re: Lost weight first 20 days but now weight loss stopped

Postby Kime » Tue Mar 02, 2010 12:53 pm

Most people hit plateaus. A two week plateau is not unusual.

I stopped losing for a couple of weeks, but I could tell I was still getting smaller, it sounds like that is what is happening to you. Then I showed a couple of pound loss in a couple of days. I think the changes you are planning should get you going again.
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Re: Lost weight first 20 days but now weight loss stopped

Postby LyndaK » Wed Mar 03, 2010 8:51 am

Thanks for your replies. I think I must have hit a temporary plateau but now I seem to be losing again. I was eating beans every day and I have cut down a little so that I am eating them 3-4 days per week instead. I attended the Advanced Study Weekend and the guest chef recommended a place that specializes in beans called Rancho Gordo (if you don't live close, you can order online). They are so yummy I just eat them with a little lime juice and onion. Who would have thought I would become a bean lover?

I also increased my intake of liquid (decaf herbal tea with lemon and hot water with lemon). Those are the only changes I've made and I'm down another two pounds. I have not added exercise yet as I haven't had time to fit it in but I am going to, even if it's just a 15 minute walk. So far I've lost 17 pounds. I feel really good. Thanks so much again.
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Re: Lost weight first 20 days but now weight loss stopped

Postby kirstykay » Fri Mar 05, 2010 7:43 am

Congratulations Lynda!!
I'm happy that the scale started moving for you again!! Great job sticking with it. :-D I think our problems come when we tell ourselves "this isn't working anymore." And then we end up making compromises and going off plan and it becomes self-fulfilling. Good job not doing that! I think it's a good idea to add exercise and to start slow like you're planning to. You'll only feel better! Here's what McD says about exercise from the MWL book:

Exercise you can live with. MWL book, page 106-107

Aerobics: The best kind of exercise. Walking, running, cycling, & swimming are not only enjoyable but highly efficient ways to lose weight.

Benefits of weight training:
Build a stronger body
Build a shapelier body
Strengthen ligaments
Improve bone density
Help prevent musculoskeletal injury
Elevate metabolism
Increase stamina
Elevate blood levels of HDL cholesterol

Your New Daily Exercise Plan: MWL Book Page 109
1. Get up half an hour earlier each day, or skip a TV program to do a specific exercise.
2. Make exercise a part of each day.
3. Choose an activity that you have always enjoyed and do it at least four times per week
4. Sometimes purchasing equipment helps to motivate…
5. Invest in a membership in a YMCA, YWCA, or health and fitness club
6. Ask a friend to become your exercise partner
7. Go dancing, a great aerobic (and romantic) exercise
8. Join a walking or hiking club.
9. Check with your local adult-education program for exercise programs.
10. Keep an exercise journal.

Establishing a healthy way of life from page 127 of the MWL book.
Step 1. Be Goal-Oriented
Step 2. Acknowledge Your Willingness to Pay the Price
Step 3. Educate Yourself, Become an Expert
Step 4. Visualize Yourself as Healthy
Step 5. Make a Commitment: It’s Magic
Step 6. Ensure That Your Environment Supports Your Goals
Step 7. Alter Your Coping Mechanisms
Step 8. Join A Support Group
Step 9. Reward Yourself
Step 10. Keep It Simple

Good luck to you!
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Re: Lost weight first 20 days but now weight loss stopped

Postby LyndaK » Sun Mar 07, 2010 10:56 am

Thanks for your support everyone. I'm down a few pounds from my previous post. The weight isn't "flying" off, but slow and steady is healthier. I started yoga again yesterday. It's been almost four months since I did it last and it felt really great for body and mind. The instructor is very nice and always has alternatives for people (like me) who can't do (yet) and are a bit intimidated by the more advanced students who twist and balance their bodies in amazing ways. It's hard to imagine being able to do that but I'm taking it one day at a time and doing what I can. Hey, at least I made it to the class! Yeah for me! After 1.5 hours of yoga, I still had lots of energy so I went to the gym and walked on the treadmill while watching The Office on my IPod. Time went by quickly, but it wasn't really as fun as yoga. Of course when I got to my car, there was a ticket because I had parked for 15 minutes over the three-hour limit. Ba hum bug!

Today I'm working on the garden. It's a nice sunny day here in CA. Like having abreak from the rain. Have a great day everyone!
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Re: Lost weight first 20 days but now weight loss stopped

Postby Faith in DC » Mon Mar 08, 2010 12:09 pm

oh that stinks on the ticket. That isn't a way to promote healthy citizens.

Good for you on starting yoga again. It is healthy and most of us could use some stretching in our lives.
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