Buns Again

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Mar 22, 2023 9:02 am

Yesterday I walked for 10 minutes! at one time! Walked to the end of the block, crossed the street, and back to the TOP of the street, then crossed again and home. Ten minutes is double the walk time that I've been doing :nod: And counting the walk DOWN plus the walk UP, that adds up to TWO BLOCKS!
My thighs were tired by the time I got done, but it wasn't enough to cripple me for the rest of the day, which makes me happy.

Food. Still fighting the Pleasure Trap. But this morning a short on YouTube with Joe Rogan saying "You have to treat it like your life depends on it" just hit home. He was talking about exercise...Jordan Peterson's daughter saying "he didn't have the energy to exercise" and Joe saying "If he could walk to the fridge, he could exercise" ... which is my current philosophy about EXERCISE. If I can do a five minute walk, I'mma do a five minute walk. If I can't, then I'mma do a three minute walk or five minutes on the pedal thingy.

But now apply it to food. TREAT IT LIKE MY LIFE DEPENDS ON IT. I'm obese. I am MORBIDLY OBESE at 100+ lbs overweight. My life is IN DANGER and my quality of life suffers because of it. Am I REALLY gonna have that toast with butter on it? Am I REALLY gonna use regular salad dressing on my lovely green tossed salad? What about the french fries? Etc. etc. etc.

I think I need to keep that Joe Rogan short right at the top of my viewing list and re-watch every day. Heh, maybe even listen to Dr. McDougall talks or read The Pleasure Trap again. Maybe start working on the mental part of all of this.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby Starflower » Wed Mar 22, 2023 1:14 pm

Good for you, Buns! Every step is progress! :)
This journey is one of constant small adjustments. Nothing is ever static, no matter how long you've been eating this way. If something isn't working, you tweak it and make small changes until it works better.
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Re: Buns Again

Postby VegSeekingFit » Thu Mar 23, 2023 5:00 pm

Hi Heidi! :-D

YAY for you with increasing the walk!!! That is awesome!!!

I relate 100% to what you said about the mental part of this... That has been the more challenging piece for me...

Just keep going!!!

Wishing you the best,
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Re: Buns Again

Postby Ejeff » Sat Mar 25, 2023 12:29 am

Buns, great going with walking. I agree with you it’s important to treat food intake as though our lives depend on it. That’s very true. And it’s not only that, but the quality of life. Who wants to live in pain everyday when it can be avoided?

I have been enjoying Brocolli Mum’s YouTube videos. I enjoy them because she starts every day with a large bowl of veggies topped with homemade oil free hummus. And she’s full of energy. She’s been motivating me to eat more veggies lately. Perhaps she would inspire you too.

I’m rooting for you!


PS - If there is anything we can collectively do to provide encouragement or assistance let us know. The discussion boards haven’t been too active, but those of us here on a regular basis want to help others if possible. :)
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Jul 03, 2023 9:28 am

Ejeff wrote:Buns, great going with walking. I agree with you it’s important to treat food intake as though our lives depend on it. That’s very true. And it’s not only that, but the quality of life. Who wants to live in pain everyday when it can be avoided?

I have been enjoying Brocolli Mum’s YouTube videos. I enjoy them because she starts every day with a large bowl of veggies topped with homemade oil free hummus. And she’s full of energy. She’s been motivating me to eat more veggies lately. Perhaps she would inspire you too.

I’m rooting for you!


PS - If there is anything we can collectively do to provide encouragement or assistance let us know. The discussion boards haven’t been too active, but those of us here on a regular basis want to help others if possible. :)

Everyone, thanks for posting. :) I appreciate it

Erin, what an amazing post. Thank you! It's been a rough several months at this point. My husband is suffering with depression and I match his energy far too much, far too often so I've been battling it as well, though my secret weapon of Gratitude plus eating a decent amount of carbs seems to keep me from going too deep. (I do not get too much sleep. My average is 6.5 hours and some nights I get as much as 7.5 so I know it isn't from sleeping too much.) Currently we're just avoiding each other, he's ticked off at me for something and not speaking to me, and I'm staying out of his space. But it brought me to tears seeing your offer of assistance and encouragement! Thank you SO MUCH. It means everything.

It's July 3, 2023. I have passed my one year mark for my left knee surgery. I've reduced my intake of Tylenol from 3,000mg/day to 2,000mg/day. My thigh muscles are still REALLY tired whenever I go for a walk, but I'm able to do the grocery store or other slow wandering type walking without any trouble.

Let's see here. My response to depression is to eat, so I've gained weight since the surgeries. I stepped on the scale yesterday and wasn't surprised, but I was appalled. I just had pistachios around all the time, butter toffee almonds, junior mints, and other little things you can toss in your mouth mindlessly all day long. Adding salt and sugar to my system on the daily. So now I weigh about 20 lbs more than I did when I had the surgeries. That is, in one year, I piled on 20 lbs. SMH. So now instead of having about 100 lbs to get to my healthy weight, I have 120 lbs to go.

so let's consider today, Monday July 3, 2023 Day One. The day I start over with McDougall.

In thinking about my snacking, especially the toffe almonds, I see that these are the perfect example of the trifecta: salt, sweet, and fat. And it also came to me that this is an ADDICTION. If I was an alcoholic I would stay away from even a sip of beer, right? Addiction. Salt, Sweet, and Fat in combination are proven addictive. Period. I must treat it like an alcoholic staying sober and not have the first almond, or the first Reese's, or the first whatever. It may be edible, but it isn't food and I need to stop putting non-food in my mouth.

I read somewhere recently, when we have cravings for things it's probably withdrawal symptoms. That seems legit, eh? And something to remember. It's going to be a fight to get my mind into this, but I'm setting myself up to succeed. Potatoes in the house, a big batch of rice already cooked, a big bag of salad greens in the fridge, AND I found some decent fat-free salad dressings which is a godsend! some frozen compliant meals, a few McDougall soups still on the shelves...etc. And there is zero junk in the house, except two Twizzlers :lol: Hubby can have those. Actually now that i think about it, I have continued to choose good stuff for my meals. I've just been buttering things. The snacking has always been my downfall.

So. I don't want to think about the 120 lbs I need to lose. That's WAY too much. But I can think about a few daily things.

1) choose fat free for all meals and snacks
2) stand up and move around every hour
3) daily mental bolstering by imagining myself thin and healthy (psychocybernetics...IT WORKS)

These are my daily goals. I can do these. My mind isn't in the game yet, but I can do these three things and eventually my tastebuds will change and I'll start thinking "mmm, potato" when I feel hungry.

thanks again all of you. I haven't gone AWAY away, but I'm coming back ;)

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Jul 05, 2023 9:22 am

1) choose fat free for all meals and snacks
2) stand up and move around every hour
3) daily mental bolstering by imagining myself thin and healthy

Okay, I'm doing well on the fat free and mental imagery. Need to up my movement. My watch reminds me, so there's no excuse (I took my watch off all day yesterday LOL)

Imagining myself thin is SO COOL. I mean, you're supposed to really get into it, experiencing all the emotions you would feel while doing life in your healthy weight/clothing size/energy level. I don't usually get the emotions down pat, but I have been spending 10 ish minutes a day imagining myself thin...shopping for size 10 jeans and Medium t-shirts, briskly preparing a vast salad with all the greens, getting outside for a walk and enjoying the cool morning air, stepping on the scale and seeing 140 lbs. Etc. It gets easier every day and I'm loving it.

Today's goal is up and moving around every hour. I might take a walk, but not going to kick myself if I don't get to it. The July sun is a death ray and if I don't get out there by about 6 am, it's too hot. Up and moving though? I can do that every hour. :nod:

Edit: I'm really trying not to snack, but I have some things in the house that will enable me to do so without tossing back little nuggets of Addictive Substances: baby carrots, saltine crackers, cherries...we bought a huge watermelon yesterday and that's filling and hydrating and delicious. I LOOOOVE watermelon. So glad it's summertime :)

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Jul 06, 2023 5:08 pm


1) choose fat free for all meals and snacks
2) stand up and move around every hour
3) daily mental bolstering by imagining myself thin and healthy

I can't overstate the importanct of daily imagery. It fills your mind with You, at goal weight/fitness. Even imagining fat melting off of me in the shower or falling off me as I go up and down the stairs. Seeing myself pulling on size 10 jeans, size M t shirts, active and lithe, doing all the things. It makes you FEEL so good and enhances your confidence. Feeling skinny is a good thing.

Energy, moving around more, hope and confidence. Breaking out of that boring old depression. I can dig it.


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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Jul 07, 2023 8:50 am

DAY FOUR (may be a challenge)

1) choose fat free for all meals and snacks
2) stand up and move around every hour
3) daily mental bolstering by imagining myself thin and healthy

So today I am sleep deprived, having gotten sick right at bedtime last night. I couldn't get off the toilet for two hours, hugging a basin the entire time just in case I barfed. I never did, but it felt like I was going to.

Went to bed at 12:45 am and woke up at 5:30. Thank you, diurnal clock. So I'm very tired and feeling pretty cranky. Almost thankful for a stomach that doesn't WANT the garbage, eh? I had oatmeal for brekkie and there's no junk snack foods in the house so I'm safe. Hoping I don't feel like this all day long.

Oh! One really cool thing. When I got up, I saw that one of my kids had posted a video to our Family Chat, an analysis of the music of LOTR movies. Very interesting stuff...and in the comments someone mentioned Dvorak's New World Symphony. So I went and found a performance of that by the Frankfurt Philharmonic...my word, WHAT a way to spend an hour. It was so moving, so deeply touching. Brought tears to my eyes. And yes, you can hear the influence of that piece over the Fellowship Theme in LOTR. Very much so.

So I went from an ear worm of The Wellerman sea shanty, to humming either the New World Theme or the Fellowship Theme LOL

I'll find 20 minutes in the day to sit quietly and to my manifesting ;) but for now I'm hoping to cruise just a little bit at work. Not a great supply of "spoons" currently.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby VegSeekingFit » Fri Jul 07, 2023 9:24 pm

Hi Heidi! :)

Good to see you!

Looks like you have 4 days down --- which is awesome!

I hope you are feeling great and enjoying simple food...

I like the visualization you describe for mental bolstering. I use similar technique to help think through challenging situations / plan out how to handle. It has been incredibly helpful for me - almost a dress rehearsal of particular situation.

Wishing you an amazing week!

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Jul 10, 2023 8:47 am

HI Stephanie! Thanks for stopping by :)


1) choose fat free for all meals and snacks
2) stand up and move around every hour
3) daily mental bolstering by imagining myself thin and healthy
4) 6 am walk every day

Starting today, I am adding walking to my daily goals. We're getting ready for a camping road trip, up to McCall Idaho to hang with my siblings and their spouses, and my mom. On our way home Wylie and I are taking the long way home, and camping along the way. He grew up in Idaho and wants to stop at some old stomping grounds. Well, I've got to have at least some stamina for that so I'll be walking every morning. Took me less than 10 minutes to walk two blocks today :) TWO BLOCKS! and my thighs weren't worn out at the end! woot!

Yesterday I had several errands to run. I just got some comfy workout leggings. They're good for workouts, but since it's summer they're also okay for wearing. Like, they don't show all the bumps, you know? anyways at my several stops, I felt so vital and young. LOL good energy, felt "cool"... FELT cool. Because in my head, I'm thin, energized, and youthful already. It's SO GOOD.

I'm aware of my thicc thighs :lol: but it doesn't matter. Feels good to feel skinny. And this mindset is making it easy to choose well for my eating. Simple foods, yes! I'm thankful that I got all the crap out of the house because yesterday I got the munchies something fierce. Ended up eating a graham cracker :) which is a good sight better than fistfuls of toffee almonds.

Also wanted to say something about kimchi. IT IS SO GOOD! I know it usually has fish sauce in it, but I'm not concerned about that (since I'm not a vegan)...I'm confident that there's no animal protein of concern in kimchi. It's spicy and flavorful and tastes so good in salads and soups. Good with rice and garbanzos. YUM!

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Re: Buns Again

Postby Starflower » Mon Jul 10, 2023 12:49 pm

Way to go, Heidi! Thanks for sharing what’s working for you. Mindset is everything, Right? Wishing you a wonderful trip! :)
This journey is one of constant small adjustments. Nothing is ever static, no matter how long you've been eating this way. If something isn't working, you tweak it and make small changes until it works better.
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Jul 11, 2023 9:20 am

Starflower wrote:Way to go, Heidi! Thanks for sharing what’s working for you. Mindset is everything, Right? Wishing you a wonderful trip! :)

Mindset is LITERALLY everything. Can't do it without my mind being in the game. :)

1) choose fat free for all meals and snacks :( ate a few tater tots
2) stand up and move around every hour
3) daily mental bolstering by imagining myself thin and healthy
4) 6 am walk every day

Took a walk this morning, at 7am not 6am...and the July Death Ray was already up. I'll aim for 6am tomorrow. I went two full blocks for a 10 minute walk. Thighs were good, but my left butt cheek felt exhausted by the time it was over :lol: Yesterday was really busy after I got off work, as well. We're getting the camper ready for a long trip and we had several stops to make at different stores. It's good that I did it, but there's definitely some fatigue. I guess I'm building my stamina slowly.

Getting up and moving around every hour is really good. I'm noticing more when I sit longer than about 40 minutes, and am getting up because it feels good.
:nod: Yeah...getting my head in the game is everything.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Jul 13, 2023 11:41 am

1) choose fat free for all meals and snacks
2) stand up and move around every hour
3) daily mental bolstering by imagining myself thin and healthy
4) 6 am walk every day

So my daily walks are more like 7 or 7:30 but I'm still getting out before the July Death Ray is TOO dominant. I'd love to get out well before sunrise, but with waking up every morning at like 4:30 or earlier, I don't want to STAY up, and when I fall back asleep that sets me up to not waking until after 6:00. It also sets me up, tbh, for a drowsier head than I like, so I might just start staying up. SMH. A decent night's sleep would be grand.

Annnnd...speaking of walking, I'mma get up and walk right now, because I'm frustrated with something at my job. I work for an insurance agency, and we just released our training for 2024...and the GENIUSES who designed the course have snuck a teeny tiny little checkmark at the bottom right corner of ONE PAGE in the entire course. It isn't there for ANY OTHER THING, and it wasn't there for LAST YEAR'S training. So now we have YET ANOTHER freaking glitch to hold our brokers' hand as they try to navigate this RIDICULOUSLY COMPLICATED, glitchy, poo-poo system.


Doing great with not adding fats...HOWEVER, I did eat some chocolate yesterday and this morning.
Getting up and moving around every hour, which is awesome as wel.
Enjoying my "pretend time" with imagining and feeling skinny.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Jul 14, 2023 9:33 am

1) choose fat free for all meals and snacks
2) stand up and move around every hour
3) daily mental bolstering by imagining myself thin and healthy
4) 6 am walk every day

Sooo today I am sleep deprived. Woke up at 5:00 am and just decided Screw It I'm Getting Up. And then proceeded to sit and scroll through YouTube shorts for 90 minutes. I'll take a walk during lunch break.

Still standing every hour. Still spending time mentally picturing myself thin..."watched" the fat melt off of me in the shower :D that was fun.

Going camping this weekend, and trying out our pop up that we bought last year for the first time. I'm excited. IT's just a weekend, but we're getting ready for a week long road trip in August, where we plan on stopping and camping along the way. TBH, I'm hoping we find a spot we love and stay there for several days rather than up-camp every single day. But we're going to be tootling around in the Bitteroot area of Idaho and I'm looking forward to that SO MUCH.

I'm working on menus for our long trip. Plan on taking at least a 5 pounder of regular potatoes, and we'll pack cans of beans and stuff like that. Stuff we can do easilty without overloading ourselves on refined garbage. It's gonna be fun :)

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Jul 17, 2023 9:24 am

1) choose fat free for all meals and snacks
2) stand up and move around every hour
3) daily mental bolstering by imagining myself thin and healthy
4) 6 am walk every day

We went camping over the weekend, which meant beaucoup activity levels, and a little bit of off-plan foods. We determined ahead of time that we were going to have healthy munchies available, and we did. Veggies w. hummus (others had ranch dressing), fruit, some trail mix (off plan) and I had Field Roast weiners for the Bratwurst Dinner ;) which are high fat.

Got sleep deprived, big time. It was our first time using the new tent camper and we found out what the beds feel like.
They feel like a board with a light mat on top, is what they feel like. NOT abundantly comfortable. So we're going to improve that, since we are planning a week long road trip in Idaho and camping along the way. We have GOT to sleep better.

So I have to take a NO on the fat free over the weekend, but everything else I did, and even upped my visualization quite a bit, as there was some good down time. :nod:

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