Starting MWL--afraid to let go of the FAT!

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Starting MWL--afraid to let go of the FAT!

Postby determined2bhealthy » Fri Feb 01, 2019 8:59 pm

Hello everyone,

I'm beginning the MWL program (again) and I want to succeed this time. I thought it might help me to admit just how afraid I am of giving up the fatty foods that I'm so used to having in my diet--soy milk, tahini, peanut butter, avocados...I definitely cling to this degree of fat in my diet, and I overdo it on a regular basis.

I need to lose about 40 lbs and I don't recognize myself in the mirror. I'm 55 yrs old now and I'm really gaining significant weight around my middle, due to my overeating these high-fat foods (and a lot of processed vegan foods and oil!), and I fear for my health.

I don't take any meds, nor do I have any chronic illnesses *that I know of,* but if I were to get bloodwork done, I'd probably find myself borderline with at least one disease.

Can anyone relate to this fear of giving up the fat at the start of the MWL program? The fat is such a crutch for me in dealing with stress, etc. It's my security blanket! I really really don't want to be a statistic, and I have a bigger belly for the first time in my life. I don't feel attractive at all, and I hate it.

Thank you in advance for your understanding. Glad to have experienced, successful MWLers who have gone before me. :)
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Re: Starting MWL--afraid to let go of the FAT!

Postby MINNIE » Mon Feb 04, 2019 9:19 am

When I stopped eating fat, I stop liking it. This really does happen.

Your taste buds can change, and many people find that they love the taste of real food without added fat.

Although I didn't start the MWL with a wight loss goal, I have eaten this way for over six years and have never missed the fat. I was a thin vegan at the time, but terribly unhealthy.

I started doing the McDougall plan it to treat chronic digestive problems -GERD and IBS-C- and getting excess fat out of my diet was the best thing I ever did!

It worked, I was symptom free within a week!! I am not making that up!!!

Of course it was nice to be able to eat loads of starchy food without gaining unwanted weight, but the other health benefits were so impressive I simply can't imagine going back to fatty food.(I still use the MWL because it is the lowest fat version of a plant-based diet).

I suspect that if you give this a fair trial for at least two weeks, and preferably a whole month, you will experience what many others have done.

I used to like nuts and avocados,vegan fake cheese etc. Also I had fallen for the hype about olive oil being heart-healthy. Ugh, ugh, ugh.

My previously high cholesterol went down a hundred points when I got rid of the oil. Without any medication. Doctors had told me to take statins, but all I really had to do was stop eating so much fat. Simple.

I don't miss the other things, like vegan cheese, nuts or avocados, any more. The taste of food that is low in fat is so much fresher and cleaner. You really need to experience it for yourself to understand how different it is.

The smell of high-fat food just grosses me out now, and I'm amazed that I actually ate all the junk :).

The number one, most important, major fact to remember as you start is that this is truly a starch-based diet. You will find it easier if you get into the habit right away of making starches your primary food, with fruits veggies and seasonings as accessories.

When your brain thinks you are craving fat, excess salt or sugar, your body actually is calling out for starch.

A nice potato, sweet potato, bowl of oats or whatever your favorite starch turns out to be will help you ignore the cravings for junk.

I always compare starch to the perfect Little Black Dress. Accessories make it interesting, but the dress is the key ingredient :D .

Best wishes for your new starchivore adventure!
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Re: Starting MWL--afraid to let go of the FAT!

Postby determined2bhealthy » Mon Feb 04, 2019 8:23 pm

Hi Minnie!

Thanks so much for your generous and kind comment. :-) I love the analogy of the little black dress.

I appreciate your comment about giving my taste buds time to change. I really got into a rut in 2018 with the processed vegan foods, especially the cheeses! I ate them in an addicted way for most of the year. Often several bags of shredded vegan cheese PER WEEk! Yikes. No wonder I've got this blubber. Thank goodness sanity struck...

I look so forward to the taste transformation happening for me, like it has for you and others on this board. I've been on and off with this WOE for years, and felt great on the "regular" SS plan for a good while. Then "stuff" started happening in my life and I lost my foothold and sort of gave up. Then I couldn't manage to eat just a little of the processed stuff and my diet shifted to the point where I wasn't even cooking anymore--just opening up vegan cheese and heating a tofu chicken patty or three for dinner. Kinda gross when you think about it... :duh:

I watched Doug Lisle's Ted Talk about The Pleasure Trap and it was a great reminder, too. Wonderful presentation and such simple and clear info! It's gold, just like your wonderful post.

Thank you, Minnie. I'm going to do this.
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Re: Starting MWL--afraid to let go of the FAT!

Postby MINNIE » Tue Feb 05, 2019 9:20 am

You are welcome :D !
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Re: Starting MWL--afraid to let go of the FAT!

Postby Michele613 » Wed Jul 10, 2019 12:49 pm


I can relate to the self-loathing that comes with physical changes that we are not used to and worse yet that we have created beyond what Nature bestows on us with each blessed year of life.

You have a lot going for you: (1) your forum name....if you 'truly' are DETERMINED that means nothing will stop you, not even a craving for fat. (2) self-loathing/disgust - once we hit that emotional bottom with our bodies and self-image (speaking for myself as I am there), those negative emotions can be channeled into positive action to UNDO our prior actions and their consequences. You can do this! No, it is not easy and yes, we have to make sacrifices BUT ... all for OUR good.

Focus on the POSITIVE, THE DEEP DESIRE AND GOALS...our brains tell us what we want to hear because we tell our brain what we want to hear. CHANGE THE CONVERSATION. Feed yourself positive head talk...anytime you tell yourself you 'miss fat' you give it power and it becomes a 'craving' rather than merely a mild desire; remind yourself that you will NOT miss getting rid of the fat. Once that becomes the 'strongest' desire you will succeed.

Sooooo ask yourself: what do you really want...the temporary and fleeting satisfaction of eating some 'fat' or the permanent satisfaction of being healthy, attractive and in control of your head?

Hang in there and DO can! I'll be looking forward to reading about your journey.

MINNIE: I too loved the LBD analogy. Really works!!
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