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Wow - success!!! - I'm impressed

PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 3:53 am
by Dayajina
Hi folks!

I've been a month on the MWLP now and although I didn't get everything right, there are some very positive changes!

1. I'm feeling physically well.
2. My blood pressure went down after ca. 2 weeks on the programme from ~ 160/100 to continously ~ 130/85 (more with a
tendency to get even lower.) Stopped medication immediately. Best results since ~9 years!!! 3 x wow!!!
3. I lost 6,2 kg = 12 pounds!!!
4. My sleep's slightly better, I'm feeling more rested.

After the first hungry days I'm slowly getting used to the programme. But in between I'm still pretty hungry sometimes.
Funny, but working as a cook, I don't have much time to plan my own meals.

So normally I've just thrown some beans or rice or potatoes etc. together with some veg. and out came a kind of stew, eaten with some soy sauce.
Bit boring, but fine for me :).
I think I never got the ratio of 1/1 right.
And there were days where I just didn't want/ had the time to cook for myself, so I just ate some oatmeal all day, without veg- sometimes with a good amount of raw cane sugar!!! (I'm working on that, promised).

Apart from ~ 2h kettlebelltraining per week and an occasional walk I'm not doing much exercises...

Looking forward to see what happens next month.

Dayajina, ordained Buddhist, 51 years old, 196 cm, (now) 240 pound, German, working in Norwich/England.

love to all

Re: Wow - success!!! - I'm impressed

PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 6:01 pm
by Melissa88
Congratulations! Keep up the good work!

I sometimes make a pot of rice ahead and then pack it in my lunch with some veggies on top (maybe some seasoning or spices or soy sauce). I toss it in the microwave at work.

Re: Wow - success!!! - I'm impressed

PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 7:46 am
by kate11605
Congratulations! One step at a time! :D

Re: Wow - success!!! - I'm impressed

PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 5:38 pm
by RonMcClaaren70
Good for you! I'm in Day 4 or 5, I believe, and I've lost a pound. So you're doing really great! :nod: I hate to tell you...but it's what happens in the long run, not so much what happens in the short run. I once got my weight down to 150 lbs.; my cholesterol down to 115, and my blood pressure down to 100/65.... Then one day I took a single bite of pizza and my mouth exploded! All the cravings came back, and all the weight came back.

Now I'm starting over and it's not so easy this time. But enjoy the moment. Just don't celebrate! That's all the advice I would give you.
