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Day 5 Need some weight loss stories to keep me motivated.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 8:20 am
by brandi
It is Saturday and this is where I usually have problems with diets.
I need some success stories to keep me motivated and some good recieps for the weekend.

Thanks for the help!

Re: Day 5 Need some weight loss stories to keep me motivated.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 10:18 am
by Yomom
When I need motivation I go to the McDougall Home Page and follow links to "Star McDougallers" or read threads in the Journals or Testimonials forums. For Food and Recipes I like to browse in the food and Recipes Forum, especially the clicksble sticky threads at the top, compiled by Letha.
Good luck with resisting the SAD temptations and staying on plan this weekend.

Re: Day 5 Need some weight loss stories to keep me motivated.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 12:15 pm
by TwinB
Those are good suggestions from mom. I'd say to focus on yourself like you do when starting any new behavior: if you get thoughts about eating sweets, for example, realize that they're just thoughts and you don't have to act on them, they'll pass thru your mind in a minute and be gone. One bite at a time is the way to go.

Re: Day 5 Need some weight loss stories to keep me motivated.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 6:31 pm
by amyla51
Weekends are my tough time too. More time than usual and not real well structured.
I spend part of it grocery shopping (on a full stomach!) and planning my meals for the next week. I also make sure to have McD friendly food in the frig, like steamed potatoes and black bean dip.
The key is planning.......don't be stuck without "good" food to eat. Then you 'll just feel like you HAVE to eat whatever you can find (sometimes at the drive up window!)

Good luck! Let us know how you do.

Amy in NH :)

Re: Day 5 Need some weight loss stories to keep me motivated.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 3:14 pm
by Faith in DC
I agree Amy. Our weeks are so routine and structured. I go off slightly on weekends too, but not in a big way. You need to figure out why you lose motivation then. I know I keep in my mind, my health. That is what my problem was when I started, of course it didn't help that I was a junk food vegetarian who was 85-90 lbs over weight. But that never motivated me enough to stick with it. When I saw my cholesterol in the mid 200's that motivated me.

Re: Day 5 Need some weight loss stories to keep me motivated.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 4:59 pm
by kirstykay
I started exercising and weighing myself on Saturdays to remind myself that it is a real day of the week...not a day off! Also, I've been planning my meals so that I cook Monday-Thursday and then eat the leftovers on the weekends. Don't know if that will work for you, but it can make your weekends "no-brainers" and give you a little break, but still keep you on plan. Often, I'll make soup on Sundays that can last the whole week for lunches. My kids call it "Soup Sundays" and they look forward to it. Good luck!

Re: Day 5 Need some weight loss stories to keep me motivated.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 5:58 pm
by brandi
I made it through the weekend and eating out. I have been on plan for one week as of today.
I am down to 162. I can't believe I got past 165. My next goal is 160. Everyone around me including work friends have been eating all kinds of junk around me, but I have been good.

Thanks for the help!

Re: Day 5 Need some weight loss stories to keep me motivated.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:12 pm
by Yomom
What a great start! Slow & steady...

Re: Day 5 Need some weight loss stories to keep me motivated.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 8:56 am
by Love the Lorax
Excellent! Every day gets easier! I agree with other posters - reading the star McDougaller stories really helps me to stay motivated. I read/listened to some of them over and over. I also keep going through books like The Pleasure Trap, McDougall's books, Preventing Heart Disease, and checking in on the forums. I found that when I don't make it a point to check in here for that bit of support I'm much more likely to end all sorts of things.

Weekends can be hard, I agree. Do your best, and realize that one meal doesn't mean you should jump ship for the week. Sounds silly, but I've done it.

brandi wrote:I made it through the weekend and eating out. I have been on plan for one week as of today.
I am down to 162. I can't believe I got past 165. My next goal is 160. Everyone around me including work friends have been eating all kinds of junk around me, but I have been good.

Thanks for the help!