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Oh the pain

PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 8:58 pm
by CherryPizza
I'm a high school teacher. After discussion with the woman who manages the canteen here, it seems that there is no real market at the school for tubs of salad (it was apparently tried and discontinued before she arrived at the school). Wanting my wholesome food indulgence, I order a couple of salad rolls each day, and just eat the salad itself, without the roll.

Today, there was avocado included in the roll. This is an indulgence that gets much love for me, but not in MWLP times. So, without too much pain, I ate all of the contents but the avocado.

Then, after finishing, I had the painful sight of a wonderful wholemeal bread roll with slices of avocado sitting on it. So many of us listening to so many health experts over the years would have received all sorts of messages about both things being such good foods. Indeed the roll with the avocado would be quite a good lunch in its own right...

These are the sights which provide so much trauma when they are usually the cause of so much pleasure. Does anyone else have any horror stories, or tales of "foods I must resist, despite their lure" worthy of sharing?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:05 am
by maverick451
I really would take you your own food and just try and avoid all temptation, to be honest ive been on this diet now 2 months and at first the cravings were tough, I craved what I used to eat, now my taste buds have really changed.

I only crave fatty foods when ive under ate during the day, when I eat enough carbs I dont crave anything.

I admit though the smell of cookign bacon and coffee does have an appeal, but I just enjoy the aroma without associating it with food.


PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:32 am
by eaufraiche703
ooooooh, i share your pain, cherrypizza!

'specially the importune avocado encounters! NOT tripped up by bacon, (america's favorite food group), burgers or pepperoni pizza.... but dangle an avocado and the slope becomes quite slippery indeed!

and strangely, i probably feel more guilt about indulging in a bit of that great green fruit than most feel about backsliding w/ animal products!
