What is your trigger food?

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What is your trigger food?

Postby JessNZ » Thu Oct 15, 2009 2:53 am


I treat a lot of foods differently after many years McDougalling, but corn chips seem to go straight to my automatic "more hand".

I have far more control over my chocolate eating!

I wonder whether others have similar experiences with certain foods, and if there's any pattern.

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Postby Daffodil » Thu Oct 15, 2009 3:06 am

It was always cheese with me. Chunks of extra sharp cheddar cheese, other aged cheeses, also things like cheese curls, cheese flavored potato chips,etc. I always went for the cheesy salty snacks, which in turn upped my blood pressure considerably.
Now when I want something salty, i cook a few potatoes, put salt on them and eat them. If i want cheese, i toss a little nutritional yeast on them. Quiets the cravings. 8)
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Postby Chumly » Thu Oct 15, 2009 7:51 am

Baked goods like cake, cookies, muffins, bagels with high-fat toppings. Chocolate used to be a major trigger for me, but it tastes way too rich and sweet now. It really doesn't tempt me much at all.
Even healthy baked goods like the pumpkin muffins from this website are a problem for me. I will eat half the batch in one sitting if I'm not careful, so I rarely bake that kind of food anymore. If I am in the mood for something sweet, I turn to smoothies. They are easy for me to consume in reasonable quantities and I only use whole and frozen fruit, some greens and sometimes beans, so they're pretty healthy.

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Postby Letha.. » Thu Oct 15, 2009 8:55 am

Butter. Real butter. I can eat three times as much of anything with butter on it. I used to put butter on pizza. Butter, margarine, and oil are not even allowed in my house anymore. I will never again have even one molecule of butter. :)
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Postby toadfood » Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:27 am

Ditto for the baked goods. Bread, cake, muffins, cookies -- it doesn't matter. I love me some flour products and I have a lot of trouble eating them in moderation, so I try to stay away from them. I can also get in trouble with peanut butter, so I just don't have it in the house.


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Postby Jan » Thu Oct 15, 2009 1:31 pm

I can still eat a whole bag of Tostitos Baked Scoops so they no longer find their way into my cart. The last time I had them I found that even though they are lower fat they made my mouth feel so oily. Yuck. I've been McD for almost two years and I notice the changes. I used to love Snickers but I don't care to indulge any more. However, plain peanuts could still be a problem. :lol:

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Postby Faith in DC » Thu Oct 15, 2009 2:08 pm

Another baked goods person. I will indulge. BUT I always give away, or freeze in small portions any leftovers. I don't leave them out. I took six months to eat my Christmas cookies.

Bread is also difficult but only crusty breads.
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Another bakery binger

Postby Tina » Thu Oct 15, 2009 2:34 pm

Warm bread. Peanut butter. Chocolate. Put all three together and I'm a goner!
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Postby debable » Thu Oct 15, 2009 2:59 pm

Any flour products,even Mcdougall legal ones and peanut butter are problem foods for me.
Unfortunately I justify buying them"for the kids "occasionally,especially during pms. I have been McDing for less than 2 months and I love it but not losing weight. My meals are great,in between is the problem,especially just before and during my period. I always stay reg. McDougall but sticking to MWL is a problem. I will keep improving and get to 100% MWL very soon.I just need to stay away from bread and crackers,
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Postby DangerousKiwi » Thu Oct 15, 2009 3:55 pm

potato chips and french fries. Mmmm.... Darn them all to heck.
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Postby Bambie113 » Thu Oct 15, 2009 4:25 pm

This is very interesting!

Any type of pastry product for me. It could be cake, muffins, cookies, pastries, bread, ect. For the most part I stay away, but sometimes I'll make a mcdougall legal dessert just to get myself to stop obsessing about it!
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Postby raven » Thu Oct 15, 2009 5:07 pm

Butter used to be a huge trigger food for me... Years ago when i was first trying to follow The McDougall Plan, i ate everything completely compliant, PLUS BUTTER! But it's changed for me... i became an ethical vegan and i haven't had it for years, and my husband's cube in the frig doesn't even tempt me... i have never given it a second look.

But i do crave sweets. I haven't gotten over that yet, at all! But i wonder, if i could get over butter, maybe someday...
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trigger food

Postby limberone » Thu Oct 15, 2009 5:18 pm

This is good. I think the trigger food is whatever I begin to dream about because I did not have a good breakfast. It can be the pizza buffet, the bag of cookies from the grocery store. I find that once I start to think about whatever the food is, then I continue to obsess over it, even if I have to wait until the next day. I love the Pleasure Trap DVD, it makes a lot of sense. Also, the idea of critter chow from Letha's Journal makes a lot of sense as well. Now to put all of it into practice is another matter I have yet to conquer.
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Postby nomikins » Thu Oct 15, 2009 6:19 pm

Pasta. Spaghetti. Noodles. Macaroni.

I used to eat it until I was uncomfortably full. Then, with a bloated belly, I'd go back to the kitchen and eat more. Making me queasy just thinking about it. Or, DH and I would eat the entire one pound box in one meal. Oh yeah. Gross.

When I cook any type of pasta now, I only prepare enough for DH and I to each eat one reasonably sized serving. We'll get two to three meals from a one pound box of dried pasta.

Other flour products are not a problem (i.e., bread, cakes, cookies, pastries, etc.) - but they are yummy!
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Postby MaryW » Thu Oct 15, 2009 7:34 pm

I don't have just one. it changes from time to time. I used to be able to eat small amounts of peanut butter, but lately I've wanted to eat the whole jar so I have to stay away.

Any kind of crusty, yeasty bread turns in the human vacuum cleaner. Dense whole grain breads like Ezekial and whole rye don't set me off. Also this week, I seemed very successful with eating lentils on torillas. (successful in that I lost this week)

And also lately, potato chips. There is one particular kind that I crave. When I buy some, I eat the whole bag in one sitting--even the big bag! :shock: After eating the whole bag, I turn into the human vacuum cleaner. if I DON'T give in and buy the bag, I eat everything in sight trying to take my mind off the chips. They are EVIL! But the last week or so, I've been doing OK. No chips! No binges! Repeat after me: salty fat bombs, salty fat bombs, salty fat bombs
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