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PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 9:50 am
by Anna Green
No loss this week- no gain. Good job to all the losers and to those eating healthy.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:34 am
by Felini
Hi everyone!

I'm off to a new start and feeling good. I lost .5 lb this week.

Congratulations to everyone for sticking with it!


No loss, no gain

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:42 am
by Vegeloon
no excuses... at least no good ones.
The weekends have been my downfall in that I haven't stayed on plan on the weekends. So, this weekend I'm planning better. I'll make a batch of no oil hummus to eat with veggies. I know that sticking close to this board will help keep me motivated to stay on plan. Thanks for being there everyone and congrats on your continued successes!

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 12:41 pm
by Faith in DC
Way to go. Letha, it's good you pick mini goals. It helps to keep the focus.

I had a nice loss, but I'm still not at my lowest (the week before my birthday in August). Since then I have lost and gain the same 3 or 4 pounds. I'm finally within .6 of getting back to where I was. Then I can post again.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 1:49 pm
by bunsofaluminum
well, I weighed again today and it shows me up a half pound, so I'll take the lost pound it displayed on Wednesday! :lol:

one pound lost. I think I didn't lose quite as much this time, becasue I ate a lot of punkin seeds and also was not nearly as active this past week.

next time, eh!

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 2:19 pm
by Bambie113
Great job on all the awesome loses everyone!! wow! I wont be on the scale until Saturday so I'll just wait until next Thursday to post a 2week lose. But everyone's doing really great with staying on track!!

Its almost Friday!

Checking In

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 2:49 pm
by Tina
I'm just checking in to say keep up the good work! I'm rooting for all of you and your perseverance is always so inspiring, whether you posted a loss, a gain, a re-loss, re-gain, same-same, or even a Rogaine! :-D

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 5:04 pm
by desertwind56
I finished up the last of 10 days on Mary's mini yesterday. I'm refraining from stepping on the scales, even though I really want to know how I did. I'm trying not to obsess with the number on the scale.

For now, I'm weighing myself on Mondays. So, as of Monday I was down 2.6 pounds from the week prior.

Connie M.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 6:18 pm
by amyla51
Congrats to all of us who posted today! Some of you want to wait til next week to post weights, and that's great. We'll add you to our list then. Kristy-I will wait to hear from you tomorrow.

I am down 1 pound this week. I almost wrote "one meazly pound", but a pound is a package of 4 sticks of butter, so there! :P I don't really dseserve it....I think the scale took pity on me. But I'll take it. I am hoping to do some more walking this week; tendonitis in my feet has been a real pain! ;)

I'll post all of our results tomorrow.

(I wonder how Mairead is doing in Santa Rosa??????)

Amy :)

On Plan and planning on staying

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 6:39 pm
by FaithLady09
Hello Everyone!

I came back to McDougall and started MWL on 10/19/09 the same day and I have loss 11lbs :D I'm exercising some and plan to do it at least four days a week. My energy level is up some and my pressure is good :D . I hope to come off the meds soon :-D

I'm on plan and planning to stay on plan. I like Letha's slow and steady and I'm learning not to want it all now, because I always end up falling off when I have those thoughts. I'm on my way to being healthy, fit and terrific! :-D

I'm so thankful that it was time for me to get back to this program and not knowing I would have this wonderful support group to support me as I support you all.

Thank you for being here :D :D


PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 9:25 pm
by rebecca
Good Evening. I didn't gain nor do I lose so 0 for me.
WAY TO GO! FaithLady! :-D

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:11 pm
by LauraA
debbie wrote:I know that LauraA is really busy, so because I miss it so much, I am going to try to post how many days left there are.

I know its kinda late in the day for this but.....

Let's finish strong
There are 57 days left in 2009!!!!

Oh my gosh! Thanks so much!! I am with a million relatives plus a very cute grandson. I thought that I had missed one day, but I came to post very late tonight, and I guess that I'd already missed two days! I also still can't make it work in color (don't know what is wrong with me!) Thanks for helping out. I'll post tomorrow morning, and I'll try to do better! Meanwhile, I'll try to catch up on posts also. Take care, LauraA

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:15 pm
by LauraA
Della Street wrote:Yesterday was a good day for me. I'm doing Mary's Mini and the only thing I found was that I needed to add was an extra meal because I got hungry quicker. I ended up microwaving a couple of small potatoes around 7:00 pm last night and I was fine.

I felt lighter when I woke up this morning. Couldn't resist the temptation to step on my scale (trying to hold out until weighing day on Thursday) and it looks like I'm down a pound.

Thank God for potates and for my crock pots. :)

Hi - I've mentioned this several times before, but I try to eat at 8, noon, 4 and then 7 or 8. Four meals a day keeps me from snacking at all, and lets me eat every four hours. What I do is eat an early dinner, and then another smaller one if I'm home. If I'm going out to dinner (usually eating later) then I'll eat something at 4 so that I'm not starving when I get to a restaurant or friend's house. I just think that lunch at noon and then dinner at 7 or 8 is too long to wait! It works really well for me. Take care, LauraA

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:43 pm
by LauraA
I'm finally catching up on some posts. Thanks so much everyone for your contributions. Take care, LauraA

Re: Congratulations, everyone!

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:45 pm
by LauraA
nomikins wrote:You are all to be congratulated. 1500 pounds - ain't nothing to sneeze at, for sure. Learning what works, staying on plan, sometimes not, fall off the wagon, get right back on. Don't give up. We're getting it.

I've been familiar with Dr. McDougall's work for over 15 years. I hit my lifetime high of 230 over ten years ago. A scare with IBS helped lead me to seeking dietary healing over drugs (and did cure my IBS). Lost forty pounds following McDougall's guidelines and got a bit cocky. Vegetarian style SAD and too much alcohol helped to add back about 20 of those pounds. Got those off again and a few more. At 187, I'm at my lowest weight in about three years.

Luckily, I'm overall pretty healthy. I am fairly active, I run/walk (16 half marathons and a full marathon, doing another full marathon in three weeks - yikes). I have been doing CrossFit workouts since January. Resting pulse is under 60 BPM. No problems with BP or other lifestyle diseases. I'm just FAT.

I have posted in this thread in the past, but I had to stop because I got too caught up with "diet" mentality and then didn't eat enough. I did a modified version of MM last week and felt great, so that's what I plan to do. Really, it's a combo of MM/MWL. Local sweet potatoes are now in full swing, and they are delicious. So, I'll be enjoying oatmeal for breakfast, sweet potatoes and broccoli for lunch, and soup or more sweet spuds and veggie for dinner (or perhaps one of the latest newsletter recipes). Some fruit here and there. This has really freed up a lot of time in the kitchen. I really love to cook, but it's nice not thinking about what I'm going to cook all day.

My goal is to drop 3-5 more pounds by November 19. I'd like to be under 185 when we travel to New Jersey to spend Thanksgiving with my family. November 22 is the Philadelphia Marathon. A person can shave 20 seconds off each mile for every five pounds lost. That would be swell!

I wish you all the best. Your stories are all exceptionally inspirational, from those who have lost over 100 pounds to those who have significantly less to lose. Keep up the good work, and let's all do our part to end this year with a BANG!

nomikins - on plan and planning to stay that way!

Wow, your exercise sounds amazing. Keep us posted. Also, it sounds like you are doing well with weight, and have a lot of knowledge of McDougalling! Take care, LauraA