having trouble following the program for more than 4 days???

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having trouble following the program for more than 4 days???

Postby lilliangimmelli » Sun Mar 14, 2010 5:48 pm

Hello Fellow Mcdougallers,

I have been reading The McDougall Program for Maximum Weight Loss and I am following it and after 4 days, I mess up and eat SAD foods again. I feel like my willpower to commit is so weak. Can anyone suggest what they have done to fully commit to the program and lose their weight?
Thanks and looking forward to hearing some of your stories. Thanks Lilly
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Re: having trouble following the program for more than 4 days???

Postby amyla51 » Sun Mar 14, 2010 6:04 pm

I think I replied to you in another post, but I will poke my nose in again here, since I am a true MCDOUGALL FAN!!!

I have been doing this for 5 months, and have lost 35 pounds. I was also lucky enough to get to go to the 10 day program with the McDougalls and 24 great people. For me, learning how animal foods really play havoc with our bodies, was a turning point. I need to know "why" I am doing something. Also, within the 10 days I was out there, I found out that I would not have a heart attack if I did some brisk walking, and I was able to get off many of my meds.

Now, I know what you are thinking: NO, you do NOT have to go to Santa Rosa and drink from the McDougall Fountain of Health! We are so lucky, because he makes it available to us, much of it for free, right here on this forum.

The reason I'm saying all this is that, I have been where you are: I have tried it for a few days, and then wavered, and thought. "Here I am, failing at yet another diet. " Sound familiar? You are not alone. The key difference for me this time has been 3 things: 1) knowing how I was poisoning myself, 2) being committed to getting off my meds (as I face retirement and a limited income) and 3) getting ALL the non- McD foods out of my house. No more oils, butter, fats, cookies, crackers, etc. that has made a huge difference. Now if I want a snack, it's steamed potatoes, carrot sticks, or a cup of tea.

Okay? So, what do you think? Come back here every day and let us know how you are doing!! if you can make it 4 days, you can make it 4 weeks, and then 4 months! And then you'll be hooked too! :-D There are plenty of us cheerleaders here who will help talk you through it!

Amy in NH :)
Amy in NH

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Re: having trouble following the program for more than 4 days???

Postby Katydid » Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:08 am

The first question I would ask is why? Was it because you were exposed to a SAD food and were hungry at the time? Then you need to eat more and have emergency back-up food available. Was it because you were bored with your food? Then you need to look for recipes you like and make those. Was it because you didn't have food in the house? Then you need to plan your meals and shop accordingly so your kitchen is well stocked. Was it because you still have an I'm-on-a-diet mentality and are feeling sorry for yourself when you see others eating SAD? You have to start thinking of SAD food the same way you think of cigarettes. Would you think "I sure wish I was out there in the cold smoking with my friends?" Of course not. Well SAD foods will kill you just as sure as cigarettes will. Are you going through addictive withdraw? Many SAD food are addictive, especially dairy products. I suggest you read Doug Lisle 'The Pleasure Trap' if this is the case. Vince Lombardi had a saying: "The dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success." Plan for success and you will succeed.
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Re: having trouble following the program for more than 4 days???

Postby dlb » Mon Mar 15, 2010 7:07 am

Lilly -

This isn't about will power. If it was, I won't be where I am. Here are some steps that I found helpful.

Know what foods are on the plan that you enjoy. Go out and buy a lot of them. Eat until satified. Make sure you eat enough. Do not go hungry.

Clean out your kitchen of stuff that you are no longer going to be eating. This is a lifestyle change, you won't be going to back to the junk.

Do some planning. Look at how your week will be and make sure you have foods on hand that will work for you. Take some time to make a few meals for the freezer so that you will always have something to pull out quick.

Get "The Pleasure Trap". This is a wonderful dvd that explains a lot of what you're going through. I found it very motivational.

The first few weeks with cravings may be difficult. Once you get through them you will begin to feel better and better. As you read the postings pay attention to those who have been on the plan a while. I'm sure you will find that, like me, those people wouldn't trade how good they now feel for anything.

Keep coming back to the board. You will gain knowledge, inspiration and support from the people posting here. We really care about you and want to you be brilliantly successful :-D !

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Re: having trouble following the program for more than 4 days???

Postby Chumly » Mon Mar 15, 2010 8:47 am

I think there are often patterns of behavior behind our eating that need to get addressed for long-term success. Every time you feel the "need" to eat off plan or have already eaten off plan, it is a time to recognize and address the reasons behind your eating. I have spent most of my life in isolation, battling depression and using food as entertainment and a way to deal with life and the stresses that come with life. Dealing with these issues through counseling, Overeaters Anonymous and changing the way I live my life was an integral part of being able to put down food and improve my health. I don't know if you are dealing with depression or anything like that, but I think looking at these issues it can potentially help in addition to removing all junk food from the house and always having healthy food available.

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Re: having trouble following the program for more than 4 days???

Postby MaryW » Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:55 pm

Katydid wrote:Was it because you didn't have food in the house? Then you need to plan your meals and shop accordingly so your kitchen is well stocked.

This is what I struggle with! I have potatoes and rice, but they aren't cooked. So when I get home from work and am ravenous, I grab whatever is ready to eat. Frequently this is a can of beans. Which I frequently eat out of the can. :(
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Re: having trouble following the program for more than 4 days???

Postby Katydid » Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:50 am

MaryW wrote:
Katydid wrote:Was it because you didn't have food in the house? Then you need to plan your meals and shop accordingly so your kitchen is well stocked.

This is what I struggle with! I have potatoes and rice, but they aren't cooked. So when I get home from work and am ravenous, I grab whatever is ready to eat. Frequently this is a can of beans. Which I frequently eat out of the can. :(

That's why I take the time on the weekend to make a pot of brown rice, a pot of steel-cut oats, a pot of vegetable soup, and to prebake some sweet and yukon gold potatoes. In less than three hours I have enough food for the week. Dinner is simply making a salad and steaming or stir frying some vegetables. Reheat some rice or a potato in the microwave and dinner is served. 15 minutes tops. Lunch is grabbing some soup or leftovers, a piece of fruit and a handful of baby carrots. Breakfast is already cooked oatmeal with fruit or a prebaked sweet potato. Easy.
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Re: having trouble following the program for more than 4 days???

Postby kittyadventures » Thu Mar 18, 2010 4:08 pm

Also just know that you are on a life long journey.. and one day or one meal does not mean you failed... especially if you just switched to vegetarian/vegan...
As time goes on many of the cravings you have will go away and after six weeks of not eating SAD food you will find that Mc donalds or Burger king etc.. stink when you drive by them

One of the best things that ever happened about french fries for me was when they switched to the trans fat free grease to cook them... it upsets my tummy so I don't even crave them any more. THey were my last big fast food trigger couldn't drive past a mcDonalds with out wanting some.

Also after six weeks if you taste some of your old favorites you will wonder why you were even eating them.. Eating clean as we do on McDougall will mean you can taste the chemicals in the food..
THat Coffe Mocha isn't so yummy all of a suden.

Anyway Yay for you making healthiter choices every day!
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Re: having trouble following the program for more than 4 days???

Postby kirstykay » Fri Mar 19, 2010 7:55 am

This is a GREAT thread!!!! What excellent advice from all of your personal experiences! Very helpful and motivational! Thanks for being here and really caring about the people on this board. It is my lifeline...the only place I know I can come and people will UNDERSTAND what I'm doing and not think I'm crazy!!! You all are amazing and inspiring!!! Thanks!
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Re: having trouble following the program for more than 4 days???

Postby Vegeloon » Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:32 am

I too have been having a hard time for 2 years staying on plan for extended periods of time. Hence my weight loss has been very minimal. This board is what keeps me coming back as there is so much combined wisdom here and also acceptance for everyone no matter how well or how poorly they are sticking with the plan.
SactoBob always says, it is not willpower that you need but good planning to make it work. Also, you may find Doug Lisle's book, The Pleasure Trap helpful. The book I am currently reading is Savor by Thich Nhat Hanh and Dr. Lilian Cheung speaks to eating mindfully. The nutrition information varies a bit from Dr. McDougall but the mindfulness exercises are really helping me with my binge eating cycles.
Best wishes for you on this journey!
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Re: having trouble following the program for more than 4 days???

Postby MaryW » Fri Mar 19, 2010 10:48 am

I second what kirstykay said. I have very little support for this lifestyle in real life. i would go CRAZY if I didn't have these boards. And I also wouldn't be able to stick with it! So thanks to Dr. McD and everyone else for being here.
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